What B2C Brands Can Learn from B2B Marketing | Kaleigh Moore of Lumen Ventures

Cara Hogan
The Empowered Marketer
4 min readJul 11, 2018

What’s your favorite ecommerce blog right now?

Shopify? BigCommerce? Maybe Zaius? If you’re looking to learn about trends in the industry, new marketing tactics, and the newest ideas to drive results, that’s likely where you turn.

But why is that content so interesting to you? The very best blogs catch and keep our attention because they’re great storytellers and offer something truly useful to readers. They help you understand the story behind the marketing, getting you invested and helping you learn how to be better at your job as an ecommerce marketer.

Writing is a key and powerful part of marketing, no matter what product you’re selling — something that Kaleigh Moore knows well.

She is the co-founder of Lumen Ventures, a marketing agency that offers quality crafted content and copywriting to help brands grow. Kaleigh started the company about 4 years ago, and has focused specifically on writing for B2B ecommerce brands like BigCommerce, Get Feedback, SnapApp, and more.

But wait, B2B? How does that help you as a B2C marketer? At the end of the day, all good marketing matters, and Kaleigh shares how you can appeal to any buyer with creative and interesting longform content.

Watch Episode 13: The Empowered Marketer

In this exclusive interview, Kaleigh shares:

  • How to write website copy that converts
  • The importance of writing engaging content that drives revenue
  • What B2C brands can learn from B2B marketers
  • ….and much more

Listen to the Full Conversation

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Read the Top 4 Takeaways

1. In terms of content, what do you think is most important to get right for an ecommerce brand?

Just make it interesting. There’s so much noise out there. There’s so much content published every day. It has to be engaging and conversational and interesting enough to get somebody to read 4000 words. A post that long could be a 20 minute read, easily, so the content has to be worth reading. That’s really hard to do sometimes, especially when you’re getting super technical with content and being very specific about how to execute a process.

It’s hard. Just mixing it up within the post helps a lot, including quotes from experts or influencers, tying in data or new research. That’s really interesting. Telling stories within a piece. Having a lot of visuals, making it very relatable. Like I said, rhetorical questions, stories, help with that.

2. When you are looking at website content, so copy that’s specifically across various parts of the website, how do you make it irresistible so someone just has to click on it?

You need to really understand the target customer, the target audience, and then know what words they need to hear and mirror that back to them. There are really easy ways to find those words. You can look at your competitors, you can look at reviews and testimonials. You can even reach out to your in-house support team and ask, ‘What are the questions you get most often? What are the things that are frustrating for people? What questions do they ask when they’re on the edge of checking out?’ By gathering up those pieces of really important information, it will help you craft something that’s hyper relevant for the audience and really touches on all the things that they need to hear from you as a brand.

3. Do you do a lot of A/B testing and try different things with website copy?

I think A/B testing is a huge part of it, but you can A/B test all day long and still sometimes miss a key finding. People are always changing and what they want and need, so I think that that’s part of the equation. There is a lot of confirmation bias associated with A/B testing and you can get false conclusions. It really is a matter of making sure it’s an ongoing process and always trying to tweak it and make it a little better. You don’t want to just say, ‘Oh, we hired a copywriter and now we have this great landing page and it’s going to work for us forever.’

4. How do you see the world of ecommerce content changing in 2018 and what do you think’s coming next?

I think we’re going to see a lot more video in 2018. You look at any social network platform and there’s video everywhere all the time now. I think as far as ecommerce goes, we’re going to see a lot more robust product pages specifically. Something like videos on the product pages and buyers guides so people can figure out what is the right product for them.

With more and more people shopping online, the customer experience battleground is the next frontier for a lot of companies. Finding ways to really accommodate the online customer from mobile shopping to just making a really fantastic start to finish process through anyone shopping online or through a website. I think if you’re not doing that you’re going to be really behind by the end of 2018.

How does your website look on mobile and how is the interaction with the website on mobile? Is your checkout process frustrating? All of those things are going to be so much more important because that’s really the only place that companies have left to compete with each other. Everybody can race to the bottom, everybody can offer similar products or the same products, so the customer experience realm is the one remaining place where companies can differentiate themselves.

Learn more about Kaleigh and Lumen Ventures at www.wearelumen.com.



Cara Hogan
The Empowered Marketer

Host of The Empowered Marketer and Marketing Unboxed. Content marketer @GetZaius. Grammar enthusiast, rock climber, and surfer.