Open Innovation Demo with EnAccess and UNREEEA

EnAccess Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2022

How to use Open Source materials to add PAYGO Token System to Solar Devices

The EnAccess Foundation and Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (UNREEEA) have partnered up to invite you to the interactive demonstration of OpenPAYGO Token. During this 1-hour Demo you will discover how simple it is to use Open Source materials to incorporate innovations into your own products. At the end of the Demo, you will have the opportunity to ask questions & receive technical assistance. To attend the event, simply register here.

The structure of the event will be as follows

1. Introductions by Dr. Nicholas Mukisa, CEO @ Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (UNREEEA) and Vivien Barnier, CEO @ The EnAccess Foundation.

2. Live Demonstration: Adding OpenPAYGO Token into Solar Devices

Covering the Basics

  • Token generation modes
  • Device set-up parameters

Live Coding

  • Server & device set-up
  • Token generation on the server
  • Token decoding on the device

3. Questions & Answers

What is the OpenPAYGO Token?

💡 The OpenPAYGO Token is an Open Innovation we created in partnership with Solaris OffGrid. It is an open-source token system to enable PAYGO functionality in new products.

👉 Enables PAYGO functionality

👉 Makes products PAYGO compatible

👉 Widely used by companies in the off-grid industry

👉 All of the Open Source materials are available here.



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