Live disease free

The end of Multiple Sclerosis
5 min readDec 12, 2020

Be completely healed from a chronic disease like multiple sclerosis (MS)! Sounds to good to be true right? Maybe not. In my research into natural ways of healing from MS, I came across the website It’s founded by Pam Bartha, who says to be free from MS symptoms since 30 years. Her idea is that the root cause of all these immune diseases are infections, parasites, fungus and bacteria.

Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash

Her method for recovery is as follows:

  1. First diet, something in between paleo and keto. Minimize carbs to 30–40 grams a day. This so that the parasites are less active and more of a chance to kill them all when starting with the parasites medication. Parasites thrive on sugars, therefore stop feeding them. Implement lots of green organic vegetables instead.
  2. After eating like this for a while, get tested with a certified practitioner for the right parasite drugs for you. Herbs are not enough to treat the parasites. She mentions on her website parasite medications like Albendazole and Ivermectin.
  3. Rinse and repeat! Do cycles of treatment of 14 days of parasite treatment (while still eating as below) followed by 10 days of fungus medication and then a break. This involves enema’s to get rid of the worms. For mild symptoms 4–6 rounds and for people who have not been able to walk for years she talks about 1–1,5 year.

Diet plan for recovery

Pam has multiple videos on YouTube about her suggested diet for many chronic diseases. But diet alone won’t cut it according to her. Treating the infections is necessary. The videos are quite long, in short this is it:

  • Decrease food that infections feed on. Which is carbohydrates, sugars and processed carbs. So you switch to fat fuel mostly. It’s different than keto, because in this plan there is no dairy and an emphasis on green vegetables instead of protein/fats. She suggests a maximum 50 grams of fiber, sugar and carbohydrates included a day. While with keto it would be below 20 grams.
  • Up the amount of nutrition and fiber to help the good microbes. So lots of organic green vegetables and moderate animal protein to keep muscle mass.

So what exactly can you eat?

In the recovery phase the suggestion is to eat three meals a day including a total of 9 – 13 servings of vegetables (700 – 1000 grams).

Photo by Jez Timms

YES to : Lots of low carb greens from the organic farmers market: spinach, swiss chard, kale, lettuces, romaine, Asian greens, baby bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, green onions, string beans (not the dry beans), halve avocado a day, raw sauerkraut, seaweed, lemons, limes, herbs. Steamed, cooked, stir-fried or raw. Grass fed meat, rotate chicken, fish or beef or egg. Apple cider vinegar. Good fats: Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, almond oil. All cold pressed, non gmo and organic.

Photo by Monika Grabkowska

NO to: No grains, no sugar (also no sweet potatoes, beets, carrots until you recover), no soy, no seeds (including chia, linseed etc.), no dairy except for butter/ghee, no legumes, no nightshades (or minimal), no mushrooms, no alcohol, no caffeine, no smoothies as its brings your blood sugar up quickly, no coconut or nut milk (high in carbs), no starchy vegetables like yams, corn and peas. Very little nuts or skip until no more cravings.

According to Pam, the food alone won’t cure you from the chronic disease, but will give you some improvements. To fully heal you need to kill the parasites, fungus and bacteria. This you should be done together with a certified practitioner.

At livediseasefree they offer an online 90 day plan without promises of result. That’s up to how well the client implements the guidelines. And I think that might be the most difficult part in this method. It asks a lot of change in planning meals, but especially socially and what to do when eating out? It’s a complete change of lifestyle.

Also with this method the advice is to keep eating this way once the infections are treated. But you can ‘cheat’ once you’re healed with a few ‘high carb’ peaches or a potato. So much for cheatday…. this is for life! It doesn’t feel like being totally healed if you have to keep restricting yourself and can’t eat all kinds of foods. As she mentions in one of the videos, all the people who got symptom free were determined to heal, to live. And I guess that’s where it starts. Get really clear on why you want to do this! Just like with quitting smoking. You will lose some social moments with other smoking friends, but gain free breathing, new friends, different habits. Everything has pros and cons.

And if you start, the sweet craving should stop after 7 – 10 days. You can grow into eating that much vegetables a day, she says. It’s just switching lifestyle and very possible.

On the most important upside! Possibly more energy, less physical symptoms like pain or spasms, good sleep, feeling healthy!….. and no wheelchair?

Or….if you find this diet overwhelming, like me!! Check out more easy and accessible support to get you started: indigenous medicine for multiple sclerosis.

Photo by Japheth Mast

Curious, have you tried this diet or anything similar? How was, or is that for you?



The end of Multiple Sclerosis

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