An Iowan’s Horrifying Claim That Father Was The Most Prolific Serial Killer Of His Time Finally Gets Action From Authorities

Was Donald Studey a prolific serial killer before he died nearly a decade ago? Or are these the stories of nightmares his daughter had as a child? Some local authorities in Iowa seem to believe she’s telling the truth and that Donald Studey was a monster that killed and buried victims on his property.

Jason Morton


Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash

Did it look like this? According to Lucy Studey, her father would go out at night and occasionally return with a body to bury. Some were allegedly women going home with Studey, never to be seen again. After what might be decades since she first reported the bodies to authorities, someone is looking into alleged serial killer Donald Dean Studey.

Many questions will remain unanswered. Why did it allegedly take 45 years to look into the allegation? How did Studey stay under the radar? And, if his daughters' claims of other men are present when bodies were buried, what is their role in the case?

History Donald Studey



Jason Morton

Currently, I'm a telecom tech, a grandfather, and fighting cancer. I enjoy writing and sharing opinions. I stumbled into some knowledge along my journey.