How to Survive Living With a Writer

5 tips guaranteed to make life easier

Deb Palmer
Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2023


Photo by Author

If you’ve read our book you know it’s written in dual perspective with alternating chapters from me and hubby. With that in mind, I thought you might enjoy reading a timeless post he wrote a while back.

With that said: I introduce a very special guest writer/husband, Sandy Palmer.

Obviously, I did not choose the topic.

Again, keep in mind this was written years ago.

How to Live with a Writer

As long as I can remember, I have loved reading. Still do, whether it be magazines (read cover to cover), the daily newspaper, or a good book.

But writing?

I suck at it!

Any class I’ve taken involving writing, was painful and book reports, unless given orally, received unremarkable grades. I’ve never been partial to one type of book. I enjoy novels, sci-fi, thrillers, mysteries, etc. Likewise, I’ve never had a favorite author, at least not until I met Deb. When we met, 35 years ago, she was finishing her college degree in Communication/Print Journalism. From the start, I enjoyed everything she wrote (excluding reminder to-do lists). Deb had a way with words, capturing what was pertinent, what needed to be said and what did not.



Deb Palmer

Author & Freelance Storyteller — Sweeping humor and gut-wrenching truth from under the rug —