Politics | Propaganda | Definition

What is an Echo Chamber?

And what’s the big deal?

Sam W.
Published in
7 min readNov 27, 2022


In silhouette, a large crowd watches a band performing on stage. You can’t see them clearly as with the glare of the lights, they all look the same. Wreathed in shadow, singing the praises of the people they came to see.
Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

Imagine being in a room full of people.

They dress like you, they wear their hair like you, and they talk like you. They even go so far as to repeat exactly the same words you use sometimes, nodding their heads as if you’ve said something profound.

They often come up to you and tell you how great it is that you’re there. You’re one of them, and that the room you’re in is the best place to be. They make you feel like a rockstar just for being there.

The walls are covered in mirrors, so everywhere you look it's just a repeated image of the crowd, spreading off into the distance. Even though there are only a small handful of people in the room, it feels like an army. It feels massive! Look at them all, your numbers are endless.

Every so often one person in the group sticks their head out into the hallway and listens in to what people in the next room over are saying. They’re talking about the same things as you, but for some reason, they’ve managed to come to the complete opposite conclusion.

What idiots, you all laugh. Nodding your heads to affirm everything the others in the room are saying. Someone suggests the people in the other room are just trying…



Sam W.

9x Top Writer. Opinion pieces about human rights and activism. Enjoying my work? I also host a weekly newsletter and biweekly podcast at World-Weary.com.