Environmental Responsibilities for BUSINESS

There is a crucial part every business has to play in taking care of the environment as a business not only provides products/services to the consumers, jobs to a lot of people and much more. But the concern remains whether Business is fulfilling the responsibilities they have towards the environment.

The Enterprise World Magazine
The Enterprise Diary
3 min readJan 13, 2021


There are a lot of responsibilities that everyone has in their lives. These responsibilities include their own selves, their families, their workplace, surroundings, etc. But the most important responsibility of any person on this planet is towards the environment.

In the hassles and race towards success, businesses and progress we tend to overlook the responsibility one holds towards the environment. The responsibility towards our environment is not supposed to be upheld by those working for or in the interest of environmental conservation but also each and every one of us no matter what our background or field of work is.

There is a crucial part every business has to play in taking care of the environment as a business not only provides products/services to the consumers, jobs to a lot of people and much more. But the concern remains whether Business is fulfilling the responsibilities they have towards the environment.

Businesses need to follow these Adequate measures

A business or industry do spend on CSR activities as they know these activities have an impact on the bottom line and also the long-term success of the company. Businesses need to look a step beyond and follow adequate measures to make sure they do not harm the environment.

Business organisations should think about the risks and threats of hazardous substances and chemicals pose to the environment, whether they have adequate infrastructure to not have any gas leaks or such. Also, they need to have the required permissions to use such materials and that too in the amount that is fixed by the regulations and authorities. Organisations must comply with the restricted use of certain hazardous substances like lead, mercury, etc.

These organisations must also ensure that the waste produced as a result of their operations is safely stored, appropriately treated, or recycled and disposal adhering to the regulations and with the authorized bodies. They are required to segregate the waste as per the regulations set for commercial waste for recycling plastic, paper, glass, metals, etc.

Businesses/Organisations need to conserve and tend to Biodiversity

Business organisations have responsibilities that may seem large in nature but the impact they have on the population and globally is something that makes the effort worthwhile. These organisations also need to conserve and tend to biodiversity.

Biodiversity refers to plants and animals, with rapid urbanization and human activities, cause a loss of biodiversity. All types of organisations near these areas should cater and tend to the conservation of the biodiversity and take responsibility for the protection of the same.

These rules not only apply to land-based industries but also to all industries, factories, offices and other business agencies who have a direct or indirect impact or influence the surroundings where the biodiversity is present. Business organisations have to take the issue of the environment seriously as if the environment isn’t safe there is no point in making and offering these products and services.

Everyone needs to take a small effort to conserve Environment

Environment concern and conservation is not only a responsibility but also the duty of every individual on this planet. This means that not only these organisations but also us have a moral duty towards our environment because in some way or the other we are harming our surroundings and the environment. Also, if a single effort can have such a huge change and benefit the environment in any way possible, then it is a very little gesture towards the environment. Our environment has not only endowed us with fresh air, water, food, minerals, resources, etc. but also a home for us all and if we can do anything to not deteriorate it, make it better or reverse the damages caused then any price or effort is completely worth it and still less compared to the debt we owe towards our planet.



The Enterprise World Magazine
The Enterprise Diary

The Enterprise World, is a business magazine, a platform for all the master business minds to share their stories of success. https://www.theenterpriseworld.com