Kickstart 2021 by learning new skills and knowledge

As the method of imparting education shifted to an online basis, it has opened new opportunities and possibilities for individuals who were long aspiring to learn a skill

The Enterprise World Magazine
The Enterprise Diary
3 min readFeb 6, 2021


The year 2020 has not only confined us to our homes but also provided a lot of constraints when it comes down a lot of aspects, be it work, studies, fitness, healthcare, etc. But all this did not stop from the world and the industries from evolving and providing solutions which are better and available to you sitting in the luxury of your home. Yes, the troubles and problems in the year 2020 not only hindered day-to-day activities but also put a block in various other amenities and services. But if that did not stop from the industries, companies and the world to adapt and move forth at a faster pace, then why should this stop you from learning new skills and knowledge and working your way ahead in life both personally and professionally.?

The change always starts with you

As the method of imparting education shifted to an online basis, it has opened new opportunities and possibilities for individuals who were long aspiring to learn a skill or do a course but were constrained by the work hours, traffic and other day-to-day issues. But now one can avail these courses and skills sitting anywhere in the world from the university, institutions, etc. spread all around the globe providing cost-efficient and with various modes of payment. So, this does not only make it affordable and in reach to everyone with a laptop/computer/phone with an internet connection but also presents the opportunity to kickstart 2021 by learning a skill or any hobby, etc. that you always desired or aspired to do. With the onset of the pandemic, the education industry took drastic steps and shifted to the online mode of teaching and learning, providing unique and highly attractive learning opportunities, as now one can do a course or learn a skill provided by any university or institution around the globe by having the luxury of sitting in their homes.

Although 2020 had its fair share of ups and downs, this should not stop or demotivate one from reaching higher levels in work and professional life and improving oneself. A lot of universities, colleges, educational institutions, etc. are providing courses all over the globe and that too at an affordable fee and with the flexibility of payment options. Thus, if one wants to undertake a course, learn a new skill, etc. they can avail these facilities without having a big hole in their wallets. These skills can be related to your professional life or a hobby that you always wanted to learn but never got the time to do so. Thus, one should find an excuse and start exploring the plethora of courses on the online portals of the educational institutions, etc. Even if you do not want to pursue a course or skill, you should still check them out as you never know you might just find something interesting and worth learning.

Out goes the old…you!

It is without a doubt that the year 2020 has brought a lot of trouble to everyone, professionally and personally but should that stop one from ruining their life and time ahead.?

Life is all about growth, and one should always be ready and willing to accept the situations, circumstances and start carving and crawling their way through it. Thus, instead of looking back, start looking forward and you just might find the right place, which you have been searching for or the right course/skill you always wanted to learn. The time is now and it’s your chance to kick the gloomy memories of 2020 by kickstarting 2021 and learning new skills and knowledge.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever

Mahatma Gandhi

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The Enterprise Diary

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