How To Make It In The Music Industry Today…

Trying to make it in the music industry can be very difficult. But there are plenty of artists who have carved a career. So, what’s their secret?

Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine
2 min readApr 12, 2022


Photo by Te NGuyen on Unsplash

In this guide, we’re looking at the following tips on how to career as an indie music artist

1. Define what “Making It In The Music Industry” Means today…

There are a lot of people who look at the major label artists at the top of the music industry and think that is the only definition of “making it”.

However, you actually don’t have to be the next Taylor Swift to have a successful and fulfilling music career.

There are plenty of artists out there who are content being able to pay their bills with their craft. This idea of forming a living around what you love is often what sets indie artists apart from major label artists.

So, by defining what level of success you’d like to achieve in the music industry, it’ll be much easier for you to layout a game plan to achieve that.

2. The Industry Is More Than Just The Music…

As much as artists may wish to believe that having great music is enough to sustain a career, there are many factors at play.

It’s important that your songs are well crafted and that you remain true to yourself. The odd artists may even get lucky and have a career and find them based solely on their music.

However, if you want to be able to approach your career logically and with a level of control over your success, you have to consider the other factors at play.

3. Setting Realistic Goals is a Good Start…

Once you have an idea of what “making it in the music industry” means for you, you can begin to form a plan of action.

There are plenty of milestones on the path to success, many of which you may not even be aware of yet. So, it’s important to spend time reflecting on what these may be.

Once you do, write them down and break each of those milestones into further tasks you need to achieve. By doing this, you’re essentially creating your own roadmap.

The important thing is that you’ll now have a point of reference so that whenever you’re presented with an opportunity in the industry, you can ask yourself if it’s bringing you closer to achieving your goals.

We will cover some more points in the next article — about how to make it in the music industry

By Pete Moore



Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine

Having lived & worked in New York, Los Angeles & London working in the music, film and TV industries for three decades helping creators realize their dreams...