James Warwick Host & Owner of the “BadGift” Podcast talks with Pete Moore from Seamless Entertainment & The Entertainment Engine podcast!

Discussing all things, Entertainment, sport, life, and yes, that bad gift experience!

Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine
2 min readJan 18, 2021


I was recently invited to be a guest on the podcast show — “You Really Shouldn’t have” just before Christmas had landed. So I got comfortable with a nice cuppa and had a great chat with the host and owner of the podcast show — James Warwick.

A little about the show and our chat:

If you have ever had that awkward moment when you’re opening a present and you can’t believe what you’ve been given. Your eyes widen, your heart rate quickens and you wonder what you possibly did to upset them!?

Welcome to ‘You Really Shouldn’t Have’, the place for tales of forced smiles, fake gratitude, and most importantly, unwanted items!

Each week James Warwick talks to guests about themselves and the worst gifts they have ever been on the receiving end of.

This week James talks with the co-owner of Seamless Entertainment and The Entertainment Engine podcast Pete Moore

It was great to catch up and chat with James, as we discussed all things music, film, football, growing up, and of course, the worst gift I have ever received, yes the worst Gift!

To check out more of our chat I had with James, click on the link below;

The podcast community is certainly moving forward, and speaking with James over a coffee, podcasting is certainly a great medium to be able to promote your message to the community, and working with great shows like James is doing, this is all very encouraging for the future!

Looking forward to the year ahead, with the podcast community moving in the right direction with some “exciting” times to come for sure.

To learn more about what we do at Seamless Entertainment & The Entertainment Engine click on the link to find out more.

Wishing everyone a great 2021!

By Peter Moore



Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine

Having lived & worked in New York, Los Angeles & London working in the music, film and TV industries for three decades helping creators realize their dreams...