What Skills Do You Need to Become a Successful Singer-Songwriter in 2020?

Some tips on how to help get you started in the music business!

Becky Gregory
5 min readMay 5, 2020
A singer songwriter rocking out to some tunes :)
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

If you’re an aspiring singer-songwriter, I expect you have a lot of questions on your mind. I know I did when I first started entering the music business!!

You may be thinking “What abilities and skills do I need to write and record songs? Do I need to be able to read and write music? Play keyboards or guitar? How do I successfully collaborate with other songwriters or musicians?’’

Let’s take a little look at some of the skills that are needed to successfully write songs.

Do You Need to Be Able to Play an instrument to write songs?

Being highly skilled on keyboards or guitar can be very helpful, but it is not mandatory for those who hope to compose memorable melodies. Everyone is different in the way they like to write songs. For example, I don’t play guitar or piano but it’s my voice that is my instrument. When I write, I like creating my own melodies Acapella (singing without instrumental accompaniment), by singing rhythms and hooks that come into my head.

At the start of any new idea I sing and record the melodies into my phone via a voice recording App to get my basic idea’s down. This way I can then start adding my lyric ideas into the phrasing of the melodies.

As long as you can record the melodies you hear in your head, you can figure out the chords later on, or even have a musician help you achieve this.

In the past, I’ve worked with award-winning producers and songwriters who compose backing tracks that include quality keyboard parts, as well as programmed bass and drums. A few of these talented songwriter/producers didn’t play keyboards. During our writing sessions, there wasn’t even an instrument in the room at the time. Their composing was done solely within their computers and music software. This is where technology is a very useful tool for creatives.

Photo by Katrina Beachy on Unsplash

What skills are needed to collaborate with other songwriters or musicians?

Collaborating on songs with another musician or songwriter can give great results and maximise creativity. It’s important to work with people who have skills that compliment your skills and abilities. For example, a lyricist would benefit from collaborating with someone who can sing, play guitar/piano, and create catchy hooks and melodies. This combination works well.

It’s important to ask which skills your potential co-writers will be bringing to the table. If needed, you can bring in an additional writer who can contribute the elements you need to be able to complete your song.

There is always room to include those who write only lyrics, only melodies, those who produce instrumentals /backing tracks, and more. The benefits of collaborating are that we don’t need to be able to do it all ourselves. At the end of the day, music should be driven by passion and it should be an enjoyable experience to share with others.

Technology is making music easier and more accessible!

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Making music in 2020 is even more accessible now. Technology has changed so much over the last 10 years. AI, VR, AR, tablets, Smart devices, watches, widgets, and wireless…And the world of music technology has been a hotbed of new developments too! There are so many ways to build a solid start in independent music production with just a laptop, DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)and a USB mic. Whether you’re just starting a song, or about to reach that final mastering step, you’ll need music recording software to make your vision into a reality.

I believe coming out on the other side of Covid-19, that technology will play an even bigger part to help new and established artists, singer-songwriters and producers to move forward and stay connected!

The conclusion

‘A Journey made up of a thousand miles starts with a single step’

The making of a good songwriter is someone who is always working hard to improve their craft. They recognise the skills that need improvement and commit to enhancing them through different forms of education, tutorials and practice. They are tuned in to their environment and are always looking to turn a light bulb moment into a song.

Key points to help navigate your way through your music career;

  • Networking. As with any industry, networking is a really important part
  • Respect. You need to respect the people you’re working with, the music you’re collaborating on, as well as small things like the equipment too.
  • Patience. This is a need-to-have skill in this very competitive industry
  • Stay focused.
  • Enthusiasm and drive. When someone is excited about what they do, success usually follows.
  • Attention to Detail.

While being able to play keyboards or guitar, being able to sing to a great standard and figure out the best chords to harmonise your melodies are all valuable and credible tools for those hoping to write hit songs, they are not compulsory.

Assuming that you have one or more of the many multiple skills that can contribute to a great song, the most important qualities needed for songwriting success are a positive mind and attitude, the ability to bounce back from rejection, and being the kind of person people look forward to working with.

Remember to have a strong belief in your talents and abilities.

These characteristics, combined with a healthy dose of determination and persistence, they might just be the tools you need!

Wishing you great success in your endeavours.

Written by Becky Gregory.



Becky Gregory

Singer, songwriter, artist. Living in the UK. Passionate about music, film, travel, fitness and all things creative. www.officialbex.com