When Celebrities Lose Their Fame And Popularity…

What’s next for the — A-lister and the Z-lister when fame is finished?

Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine
3 min readMay 27, 2020


After many years working with all sorts of celebrities, it was interesting to see this series written by Stan Popovich, who is the author of ;

“A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear UsingPsychology’’

Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what is going on in the celebrity world, mmm, maybe or maybe not — but a lot of people around the world do, as we live in a “media/press” jungle…

‘’When Celebrities lose their fame & popularity’’

Many celebrities, I have worked with over the years, do not know what to do when they lose their fame and popularity, having been used to the limelight, fame and fortune for a period the world can turn on you pretty quick so you become yesterday news wrapped in fish and chips newspaper!

Let's take a look at several points to explain a little more…

1. People don’t control their own fame.

A person must understand that fame comes and goes and that a person has no control over his or her popularity. Fame is elusive and cannot be controlled.

2. Always remember your values.

Your friends and family will be with you for your entire life while your fame may only last for a short time.

Good relationships can last for a lifetime.

3. Don’t give in to peer pressure.

When the cameras disappear, it will just be you, your family and your closest friends. Don’t allow being in the spotlight to affect your decision making.

4. You can’t remain on top forever.

A celebrity may be the talk of the town today, but tomorrow is a whole other story.

There are millions of people who are also trying to be in the spotlight.

You will not remain on top for long; it only makes sense to focus on what is best for you in the long run.

5. Don’t put fame before your life and relationships.

Many celebrities focus on their fame which is a short term thing.

This is a huge mistake! Celebrities should focus on what they want to get out of life instead of focusing on their current popularity.

It’s important to make the decisions that are best for your personal life including your current relationships.

6. Good Things Do Not Last.

Regardless of your rich and powerful good things do not last forever. Don’t get caught up in your popularity and success. It won’t last.

Learn from the mistakes of others who have lost their fame. There is a countless number of people who made the mistake of letting fame get the best of them.

If you are not sure of what to do when you lose your fame and popularity, then talk to a professional who can give you some advice and guidance.

We are all living in a pressured society, to look good all the time, to say the right things all the time, to fit in socially all the time, to be honest, it takes a lot and gets very, very boring…

You should do what is best for you and never follow the crowd, so taking some steps to help you create a balance in your life is a positive step…

The next instalment will be;

How Celebrities manage the pressures of Hollywood’’

By: Pete Moore



Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine

Having lived & worked in New York, Los Angeles & London working in the music, film and TV industries for three decades helping creators realize their dreams...