How Brands Can Be a Comforting, Solutions-Oriented Voice During Times of Crisis

Tyler Sharp
The Entrepreneur Life
4 min readAug 11, 2020
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

This article originally appeared on Forbes.

My wife and I have a standing agreement to always be honest with each other. It took some getting used to at first. For example, it’s hard to tell your partner you’re not a fan of the dinner they just cooked or the outfit they bought you.

Most people don’t want to stoke fires when they can just as easily let the embers cool. But constantly tiptoeing around the truth can have unintended consequences.

My wife and I have learned to balance each other’s feelings, concerns and needs with our imperative to tell the truth, and we’re better as a couple for it. Particularly during times of extreme stress, a commitment to honesty and transparency can pay big dividends; failure to do so can lead to a relationship’s undoing.

Brands must also learn this balance.

We’ve seen this play out on a global scale with the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses react to a constantly evolving set of data and guidelines, changing business models on the fly and ramping up communications — all with no end in sight, and with a daily backdrop of sad and life-changing news.

In times of crisis, people often behave in unconventional and irrational ways, but there are proven methods culled from decades of crisis communication practices that can help brands navigate these turbulent waters.

Now, more than ever, we need brands to act as comforting, solutions-oriented voices.

History has shown that there are three broad ways to achieve this.

1. Convey the truth in a caring, positive way.

We often forget that behind every storefront, website or logo, there are people — and I’m not just talking about the top brass.

Brands must learn to move beyond “business as usual” talk when business is not operating as usual. In order to successfully do this, brands must unearth (or adopt) a compassionate side: Let people know that you feel their pain and that your company may also be suffering.

Showcase the delivery men and women, factory workers, cashiers and others who make a business run on time, deliver value and contribute to the tempo of daily life.

People are paying attention to how brands treat their employees. Are they innovating and investing in keeping them safe and financially afloat, or have they been forced to lay off staff or trim benefits?

Let customers peek behind the curtain. During challenging times, staffing cuts might be a reality, but sharing the decision-making process can help maintain or build trust, even when the news is bleak.

Understand that you can tell the truth, all while deploying empathy.

2. Create a consistent message flow.

Brands, like governments, are grappling with how to communicate frequently with their bases; the downside is that new information may not always be available.

In times of uncertainty, people are hungry for news because it helps them process and plan, and there is a sense of security in having a plan.

This is the time to provide your customers with updates on chosen and consistent channels — for instance, through email marketing and on Twitter. Alongside those efforts, publish up-to-date FAQs on your website so that your audience is aware of any company updates.

We’ve recently seen governors provide daily press conferences (televised and live-streamed) and then follow up on social media accounts with the headlines. This model provides viewers with a pattern of what to expect and when, allowing them to refocus most of the day on other important issues.

By creating a consistent message flow, you help to restore a sense of security and normalcy. This is desperately needed and welcomed.

3. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

There is no faster way to get into trouble than for brands to start speculating. We all want to deliver hope and positivity, but we must remain guarded in those noble endeavors.

No one has a crystal ball.

But brands can pivot their strategies and use their voices to help correct misinformation when they see it, contributing to solving industrywide problems. Our CEO at Lendio, Brock Blake, did just that when he saw trouble brewing with the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses. Using Twitter, he outlined the challenges he saw and helped facilitate a discussion around needed improvements between government and industry leaders.

Crises ensure everyone will, at some point, be building the ship as they sail it, and transparency goes a long way toward tempering the fears that arise during these times.

We must navigate the road ahead.

When the dust begins to settle, the mettle of organizations will show.

For those still standing, we’ll see how they treated their employees and their customers under great duress. We’ll see how customers reciprocated with their loyalty through their wallets or recommendations.

For my part, I’ve been impressed with how small and large companies alike have adapted overnight throughout this crisis. You see this manifestation through C-suite leadership taking pay cuts to redistribute among their employees, or airlines offering refunds for pre-booked travel and flying healthcare workers for free, or small storefronts pivoting to virtual shopping and home delivery.

Human struggling has always existed and will continue long after this challenging time is behind us.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and how brands navigate this long road will play an important role in whether they are left standing at the end.

By making a standing agreement to be as truthful as possible, brands can help solidify a bond with their customers and their employees that endures through the toughest of times.



Tyler Sharp
The Entrepreneur Life

VP of Marketing at Lendio, the nation’s largest marketplace for small business financing