On Moving Forward: Treasure Your People, Trust Your Marketing and Dream Big

Tyler Sharp
The Entrepreneur Life
4 min readAug 11, 2020
Three women with laptops sitting at a table laughing
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

This article originally appeared on Forbes.

At Lendio, our unofficial tagline has always been “Fuel the American dream.” Since the country shut down, we’ve been working furiously to bridge the gap between lending institutions and small businesses in need of relief funds. Like so many others, we’ve pivoted sharply in an effort to save the American dream.

Needless to say, the last few months have been the most intense months of my career in marketing. And while it’s been a whirlwind, it’s also been immensely gratifying to see our company participate in providing lifelines to businesses to stay afloat and retain their employees.

So perhaps it is most fitting that I leave on this high note. By the time this article goes live, I will be off on my next journey, an entrepreneurial adventure upon which I am thrilled to embark.

Maybe the winds of change are blowing where you are too? For many, this pandemic has drummed up a lot of unique opportunities, even those that may have come at an initial unwelcomed cost.

There’s a lot of promise in the things that lie ahead of us, and I’d like to reflect on some of the lessons I’ve learned in the past three-plus years.

Treasure Your People

People are perhaps the most important benefit a company can offer.

I’ve never worked for a company that cared as much about its customers and its team members. The spirit of work-life balance permeates through our halls. This is truly a harmonious workplace, filled with great people who want to make a difference. People who care.

It’s such a gift to enjoy the people you work with, and it’s a good reminder for all that those types of workplaces do exist.

Mission-driven companies truly make a difference in team members’ lives. It’s a badge of honor to be able to help others by providing valuable services.

I’m more convinced than ever that culture can last when it comes from the top. And while living wages, paid time off, flexibility and healthcare are critical components of a compensation package, don’t underestimate the benefit of spending your work life with people you enjoy.

Treasure your people.

Trust Your Marketing

Customer acquisition will play a critical role during any company’s growth, and marketing is central to that progress. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

According to a CB Insights survey, poor marketing is the №8 reason that startups fail.

It’s no understatement to say that we’ve lived and (thankfully) haven’t died by our marketing successes at Lendio. It truly is the center of our business model, and the value that we create as a business is directly related.

Starting out, most businesses will struggle with how to pay for certain investments. Don’t redline marketing. Start small, and build from there. In fact, I’d urge every marketer to review my previous articles on how to build a fearless, rebellious and streamlined strategy that can outwit any competitor and outshine any doubts you may have.

Trust your marketing.

Dream Big

Once we’ve weathered the storm we’re in, another one will surely lie ahead.

When I joined this company over three years ago, I began by digging around to understand the scope of the problem we are trying to solve: access to capital for entrepreneurs.

When it comes to providing financing for small businesses, I’m well acquainted with the struggles business owners face and how capital infusion is critical to their survival and growth.

In a recent conversation with a friend, we lamented how challenges seem to be stacked against small business owners from the beginning: financing, government regulations, customer acquisition costs, competition and more. This can be tough to navigate — and it probably kills off many great ideas.

Over the last two months, I’ve borne witness to how a country so focused on the American dream can throw up so many roadblocks to making it happen. It’s also been an incredibly eye-opening experience to be heavily involved in facilitating Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, and I will be leaving with a strong sense of pride knowing how much progress we’ve helped make.

Dream big.

Same Ship, Different Storm

I heard a great analogy a few weeks back that, during times of crisis, we may all be on the same ship but facing different storms. While plenty of us have successfully transitioned to working from home, for so many people, job security will remain a constant struggle as we wade through this uncertainty.

Life has changed, but a transformation is well underway — in our government, industries and communities.

My hope is that throughout this change, we’ll think beyond ourselves and contribute positively to causes that make big waves: supporting small business growth, creating a better workplace culture and solving as many problems as we can.

Now more than ever, it’s a good time to take stock of what’s important in life. I urge you to experiment with work that brings you joy and to take risks. If you do it right, one day you will find a way to join the two together.



Tyler Sharp
The Entrepreneur Life

VP of Marketing at Lendio, the nation’s largest marketplace for small business financing