Wax On, Wax Off: Mr. Miyagi’s 4 Secrets to Work-Life Balance

Brock Blake
The Entrepreneur Life
6 min readNov 26, 2019
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

This article originally appeared on Forbes.

Either you watched it growing up, or perhaps you’re young enough that a late-night rerun on TBS was your first experience. Regardless of your age or career, the 1980s flick The Karate Kid contains some pearls of wisdom worthy of discussion. When I was a kid, I didn’t really take notice of Mr. Miyagi’s philosophical knowledge of life — I was focused on Daniel’s winning crane kick. However, as a business owner and CEO, I’ve come to value Miyagi’s approach to balance and quality of life. These days, four Miyagi lessons stand out to me.

Miyagi Lesson #1: Whole Life Have Balance … Everything Be Better

Remember the scene when Mr. Miyagi instructs Daniel-san to stand on the bow of a row boat to practice his karate moves? Miyagi says, “Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good … karate good … everything good.”

I’ve never been a fan of the notion that work and life are separate things. The term work-life balance implies that work is something to be kept separate from the rest of our lives, not part of who we are or how we measure our happiness. This couldn’t be further from the truth — we are multi-faceted beings. The key to increasing performance and happiness in all areas is to stop trying to draw definitive lines. Instead, focus on successfully integrating work and life.

When Lendio was just getting started in 2011, I was married with two young children. While I wanted my business to succeed, I was also determined to make sure my family didn’t take a backseat. I wanted to find balance. My co-founder and I were busy raising money for the first time and talking to a high-profile VC group out of Silicon Valley. The head of the group visited our office in Utah, which was a pretty good sign a deal was on the horizon. During a conversation we had at lunch, the VC made a comment to me that changed everything. “I don’t think you can be a successful father and a successful CEO. I just don’t believe it’s possible. I haven’t seen it. You have to choose because you won’t be both.”

Even if his firm was the only possible investment option we had (it wasn’t), he would not have been the right fit; philosophically, we didn’t believe in the same guiding values. I came away with a bit of an “I’ll show you” attitude, along with a desire to prove that you can indeed achieve whole life balance.

Miyagi Lesson #2: Never Put Passion Before Principle. Even If You Win, You Lose

It’s been more than 30 years since Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel-san about passion and principle. Since then, technology has essentially removed any traditional boundaries that existed prior to the 1990s. Smartphones make us reachable at any place and time. If we’re not careful, work can infiltrate every aspect of our lives, oftentimes, without us even knowing it. In other words, it may seem like we’re winning, but if left unchecked, we might actually be losing.

Right now, we are facing a huge imbalance in America. Currently, the U.S. ranks 30th out of 38 countries when it comes to finding balance at work and home. Last year, more than 705 million vacation days went unused. The top reasons why? The employee didn’t want to dig out after being gone. Or they felt their boss would view them as not being all in by going on vacation. And one of the most common reasons: they would just end up working on vacation anyway. Even if they win, they lose.

Part of successfully integrating work and life depends on your ability to create healthy boundaries. Early on, I decided not to let my passion to be a successful CEO override my principle of family first. I carved out regular, work-free time on my calendar that has paid huge dividends for me professionally and personally: I don’t work on Sundays, I have dinner almost every night with my family and I have a date with my wife every Friday night. I travel a ton, but I’ve learned how to minimize the impacts on the rest of my life. I skip out on sightseeing or take a red-eye so I don’t miss important events in my children’s lives. Vacations with my family are one of my top priorities, and I’ve learned to successfully integrate them into my demanding work schedule. On vacation, I do a little work before the kids wake up every morning. This allows me to be present with the family for (most of) the rest of the day, while at the same time not dreading coming back to a mountain of work.

Miyagi Lesson #3: Don’t Forget to Breathe

Mr. Miyagi is constantly urging Daniel-san to breathe. For some this might directly translate to doing meditation exercises or yoga. For others it might be a trip to the gym or hopping on a bike. We know that nearly $200 billion is spent each year on psychological and physical problems of burned out employees. At Lendio, we want our employees to make their health a priority. We offer free biometric screenings to give everyone a current baseline on their health. We offer gym membership reimbursement to promote exercise. Last spring we dedicated a month to working on healthy living initiatives as a company, and the effects are still visible today. This year our employees are engaged in friendly competitions using activity trackers that encourage them to get up from their desks and move throughout the day.

Reinforcing healthy living for my employees helps me to stay on track with my own health and fitness, which is another high priority in my life. Whether it’s cycling or basketball or hitting the gym, scheduling time to breathe helps me be more focused at work and at home. Find time to breathe, and you’ll find more balance.

Miyagi Lesson #4: Trust Quality of What You Know, Not Quantity

Quality vs. quantity has been debated for centuries. I like to apply Mr. Miyagi’s counsel as it relates to time. Historically, companies measured performance by how much time you worked on a particular project or task. Clock in. Clock out. But now, those metrics have shifted toward results. Companies are adapting employee schedules to increase efficiency and productivity. This may include working from home, working different hours of the day or changing the office layout to increase collaboration or engagement between employees.

At Lendio, many of our employees have unlimited PTO. As long as they’re staying on top of their jobs, they can manage their own time off schedule. One day, a team member who works in sales expressed his concern about how this system works against him saying, “If I take vacation, my potential income will really suffer that month.” That was critical feedback, and we tweaked our sales comp plan to better promote taking time off. Now, when a salesperson takes a planned vacation, the company still pays an accelerated sales commission rate for that month. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and our sales team has become even more productive.

When I look at how quantity vs. quality applies to my life as a CEO, husband and father, I think about moments throughout the day that could easily be wasted if not properly managed. I’ve found that engaging with my kids during the 15 to 20 minutes before they leave for school or go to bed pays huge dividends. At the office, I map out my time by deciding how many hours I want to be doing a project, in meetings or answering emails. I’ve found this regimented approach gives me more control over how I spend my time.

If you feel like your life balance is a little out of whack, it might be fun to go back and watch The Karate Kid again. Perhaps you’ll discover, as I did, that Mr. Miyagi’s advice is more relevant today than it was 34 years ago. Can you be a successful parent and a successful CEO? Can you have a fully integrated and thriving personal and professional life? I believe I can finally answer that question without hesitation. Yes. Thanks, Mr. Miyagi.



Brock Blake
The Entrepreneur Life

Founder and CEO at Lendio, the nation’s largest marketplace for small business financing