Women Business Owners Still Face Difficulties in Obtaining Capital

Brock Blake
The Entrepreneur Life
5 min readDec 4, 2019
Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

This article originally appeared on Forbes.

Women, especially women of color, not only earn less than men in the workforce but are also less likely to get access to capital for their businesses. Perhaps the most sobering statistic is that in all of 2018, women had a meager 2.2% share of the $130 billion given out in venture capital. And that was a $1 billion improvement over the prior year.

Unfortunately, things didn’t improve at the start of 2019. According to Crunchbase, 17% of VC dollars went to companies with at least one female founder. But for businesses with only female founders, that number drops to 2%. On the debt funding side of things, a Lendio study found that only 24% of the businesses accessing capital in the past year were women-owned.

An HSBC survey of 1,200 entrepreneurs, mostly women, from around the world, found that a third reported gender bias when trying to raise capital. It was worse in the West, where 46% of American entrepreneurs said they experienced gender bias and 54% of U.K. women reported bias. Women said that investors asked them more invasive questions centered around their personal lives, rather than about their business idea. HSBC reported that overall, women typically secured less money than their male counterparts.

This discrepancy is due to numerous factors: women typically are more conservative when valuing their businesses. They tend to not seek out investor money (mostly due to the statistics above). And sometimes it’s because of bias on the part of investors.

Women are fighting through the struggle

As a new mom, Sasha Rowe found herself facing a dilemma too many women face — a choice between going back to work or staying home with her newborn son. Disheartened by the dilemma, she ultimately decided not to choose one or the other. And knowing other women and men face similar choices, Rowe decided to create an opportunity to change the norm, not just for herself, but for others in the same situation. She started a business called Rivvly, Inc., which offers specialized virtual assistants and high-volume remote staffing.

The problem is, Rivvly’s unique business model doesn’t fit within the confines of traditional lenders’ approval criteria and Sasha couldn’t get funding when she needed it. “Since we are outside ‘the norm’ and don’t fit into the more traditional, definable industry categories, it’s been difficult to overcome the objections and ‘what ifs,’” says Sasha.

While traditional lenders weren’t comfortable funding the business, Sasha did get the financing she needed through online lending. Unfortunately, Rivvly isn’t unique in that regard. As industries, technologies and the needs of consumers continue to evolve — often for the better — a common challenge some small businesses face is getting traditional lenders on board to fund their unique, out-of-the-box solutions. In addition to these challenges, many women say there’s still a clear gender bias in the world of business finance.

I recently queried some female business owners to find out how they funded their businesses and whether they were impacted by gender bias. Many said they dipped into their savings and used credit cards to get their startups off the ground. Those who did seek out investor money said they faced trouble with investors or knew women who did.

“I have seen several female friends struggle to get their businesses off the ground due to lack of investment,” said Michelle Samad, CEO and founder of Incentive Technology Group.

“The biases are palpable. Investors can see our businesses as projects, and block themselves from seeing the big vision in the way they would for a male-led startup,” said Alexandra Shadrow, co-founder and CEO of Relovv, a clothing sales app. “Women need way more proof of concept and traction than their male counterparts in order to convince VCs to invest.”

Shadrow pointed out, however, that being a female CEO makes it easier to engage with women customers. Others also cited this advantage.

Motherly co-founder Jill Koziol said that a big reason why women face bias from investors is due to motherhood. “To say fundraising was challenging for Motherly, a company explicitly for mothers by mothers, and as two female founders with six children 7 and under between us, is an understatement,” she said. “Implicit and explicit biases vibrates through nearly every meeting. We had to do more, be more, grow faster, show more proof points, and do it all with so much less to get a seat at the table. It shouldn’t be that hard — women, families, and the economy are missing out on so many innovations and opportunities because of it.”

Online lending is a bright spot

In a Bank of America survey, only 42% of female respondents said that women have equal access to capital. Thirty-four percent said women will achieve equal access to capital in the future, while a sobering 24% said they will never have equal access. It’s no wonder that female entrepreneurs worry they’ll never be on the same financial footing as men. And it’s no surprise that an increasing number are leaning on online lending to level the playing field.

According to the Lendio study, in the second quarter of this year, the percentage of women-owned businesses borrowing money increased in 23 states. And the overall number of female borrowers increased by 6.7% over the previous three-quarter average.

The study also pinpoints states that are better for female entrepreneurs than others, when it comes to financial support for their businesses. According to data from small business loan applications submitted from Q3 2018 to Q2 2019, South Dakota is the best state for women to access capital. Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire and North Carolina round out the top five. At the other end of the spectrum, Montana, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming are the bottommost states.

It’s clear that investors and financial institutions need to do better when it comes to investing in women entrepreneurs. But in the meantime, online lenders are helping bridge the gap by assessing creditworthiness based on more than just collateral or credit score. Most online lenders also consider sales, cash flow, banking transactions and other data when evaluating the financial health of a business.

Entrepreneurship is empowering

We need women-led businesses, and fortunately, most female entrepreneurs want to hold strong. Nearly 100% of women said they want to stay self-employed and don’t want to return to traditional employment, according to a FreshBooks survey. More than 70% said that self-employment gives them more control over their career and that they are happier working for themselves. And more than a third of surveyed women planned to grow both their workforce and revenue.

In spite of the clear financial challenges, women remain optimistic about their success. According to the Bank of America survey, 84% of the participating women small business owners said they expect year-over-year revenue growth, 73% plan to expand, and 62% expect a revenue increase over the next 12 months, rates higher than the surveyed men. When asked what traits had the greatest impact on their success, women entrepreneurs answered integrity, perseverance, and passion — things that can’t ever be denied by investors.



Brock Blake
The Entrepreneur Life

Founder and CEO at Lendio, the nation’s largest marketplace for small business financing