Dewanshi Agrawal
The Entrepreneurial Diary
6 min readMay 25, 2020

The recent pandemic has been tough on every individual. A pandemic can undeniably make one’s head overflow with depression, gloom and stress. It is two months since the nationwide lockdown started in India and with life falling back down to a slither, restricted between the four walls of your room amidst the desolate surrounding, it isn’t surprising to wind up in a condition of excessive strain.

During this lockdown, all of us got a lot of time to ourselves, to think better, to rejuvenate. While some people outdid themselves in this time, others struggled to even get out of their beds every day. The whole world has faced serious problems. The economy has been drastically affected. In a time such as this, every individual could use some motivation. Below are listed some greatest entrepreneurs of all time, and their journey from rags to riches. It is definitely not easy and requires a lot of hard work and dedication.

1. J.K. Rowling

Today J.K. Rowling is a commonly recognized name for aficionados of the dearest Harry Potter book series, yet she was not possessed with enchantment since birth. The truth of the matter is, J.K Rowling was at her rope’s end before her magical group of witches and wizards rescued her. Before her blockbuster enchanted the readers, J.K. Rowling was living on government assistance and attempting to get by as a single parent.

Today she is known to have net worth of $1 billion. Talk has it she’s likewise the leader of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, despite the fact that it’s somewhat of a mystery among the trolls.

Did you realize that a few people accept that J.K Rowling offered her spirit to the villain in return for the Harry Potter motivation? At the point when you’re so famous that individuals believe you’re making trades with the devil, you’re a truly big deal.

2. Walt Disney

Walt Disney began as a ranch kid drawing animation photos of his neighbor’s ponies for no particular reason. At the point when he was more mature, Walt attempted to find a new line of work as a newspaper cartoonist, yet couldn’t discover one and wound up working in an art studio where he made advertisements for papers and magazines. Subsequently, he advanced to take a shot at ads, got keen on activity, and in the long run opened his own animation venture.

Disney’s first unique character creation was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, however it was formally possessed by Universal Pictures since he was working under agreement at that point. When Walt left Universal Pictures subsequent to getting a compensation cut, he expected to make a substitution, which is the actual story of how Mickey Mouse came into picture.

Disney was immensely effective with his animation venture, however he wasn’t still content. He was resolved to make the greatest and most noteworthy amusement park ever seen, saying to an associate, “I need it to look like nothing else on the planet.”

One of the greatest entertainment moguls ever, with a tenacious soul and dedication to his vision, Disney is without a doubt an innovative top pick.

3. Steve Jobs

You can’t actually make a self-regarding “well known entrepreneurs” list without tossing in Steve Jobs. Steve dropped out of school since his family couldn’t deal with the financial weight of his education. He informally kept on auditing classes, living off free suppers from the nearby Hare Krishna temple and returning Coke bottles for change just to get by. Steve credited the calligraphy class he halted in on as his motivation for the Mac’s progressive typefaces and text style plan.

Steve proceeded to have an incredible profession, in the long run framing the Apple Computer Company with his cherished companion and hardware master Steve Wozniak. Frequently alluded to as “The Grandfather of the Digital Revolution,” Jobs everlastingly changed the consumer gadgets industry. At the hour of his demise, his net worth was over $8.3 billion, and his impact will be felt for many advanced ages to come.

4. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey has one of the most astounding present day story ever. As you’re presumably very much aware, Oprah is the most extravagant African American of the 21st century, and with net worth of over $3 billion, she is viewed as ostensibly the most influential lady on the planet.

Her extraordinary achievement is even more astounding considering her childhood which was not so great and full of hardships. The little girl of an unmarried teenager who filled in as a housemaid, Oprah experienced childhood in outrageous neediness. Her family was poor to the point that, as a youngster, Oprah was prodded at school for wearing dresses made of potato sacks. She additionally was the survivor of sexual maltreatment because of relatives, which she talked about with TV viewers during an exceptional scene of her show.

Oprah’s first huge break was her gig at the neighborhood black radio station. Stations directors were dazzled with her speech and energy, driving Oprah to stir her way up the positions to greater radio broadcasts, in the end bringing about her showing up on TV too.

It was actually Robert Ebert who persuaded Oprah to sign the agreement that started The Oprah Winfrey Show. Also, the rest, people, is history.

5. Bill Gates

Bill Gates is one of the most popular business visionary of our time. Gates indicated an enthusiasm for PC programming at an extremely youthful age, investing the entirety of his free time making programs on the print terminal PC his school had given. Gates proceeded to make Microsoft and build up the Windows working framework, which continues to be immensely well known.

Co-founder and fellow benefactor of the world’s biggest PC software company, Microsoft, Gates was one of the characterizing figures of the PC insurgency.

The most extravagant man on the planet, Gates has a net worth assessed to be over $79 billion. He’s held the title of “world’s wealthiest individual” for 16 of the previous 21 years.

Bill Gates is, in the same way as other different popular business visionaries, additionally known for his philanthropic exercises, giving exceptionally a lot of cash to altruistic associations and scientific endeavors. Gates set up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000, a private charitable foundation committed to diminishing poverty, upgrading human services, improving educational opportunities, and giving access to innovation around the world. Gates himself has given over $28 billion to the foundation, which he continues on working for.

Did the stories of these famous entrepreneurs inspire you?

Entrepreneurship is most certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. Each individual has a different mindset and everyone’s thinking process varies. Undoubtedly, not every person could be a business visionary since the individual in question is no common individual. Such individuals have the fearlessness and commitment to do something extraordinary, even if that demands taking personal as well as financial risks. Sometimes, everything seems to fall apart and go down the drain. However, they stand relentless in their choice and let their enthusiasm drive them towards progress. Obviously, some fall flat. Be that as it may, there are numerous who realize how to handle impediments and push ahead. The ride towards success is not an easy one ever. It involves continuous failures, a lot of sweat and potential, and most importantly, the zeal to never give up.

Keep working hard and never give up, maybe you will be the next on the list ;)

