Why ‘Work from the Beach’ is Terrible and Misleading Advice

You will never get any work done on the beach

Akis Apostolopoulos
The Entrepreneurial Thinker


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I remember when the 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss came out in 2007. It is an excellent book that has significantly impacted my thinking and one of the few business books that I have read several times in the last decade.

The title of the book, however, can be misleading. Even Ferriss has admitted the book's title is the result of testing various titles on Google Ads and determining which headline would pull in the most clicks.

One of the unintended consequences of the catchy title is that it spurred an entire generation of douchy lifestyle entrepreneurs who sell this ‘work from the beach’ dream. They post pictures of themselves in exotic locations with their laptop open while gazing into the sunset.

Quit your 9–5 and work anywhere you want from the world! Become a Digital nomad!

Let me tell you, this work from the beach narrative is total manufactured BS. You cannot work from the beach, nor while watching a beautiful sunset.

I highly doubt if the people peddling this advice have ever worked on a beach. Their entire business model is based on taking photos of…



Akis Apostolopoulos
The Entrepreneurial Thinker

I spend my days reading, thinking, and writing about Entrepreneurship. Owner of 2 Businesses. For my best stuff https://theentrepreneurialthinker.com/sign-up/