I might be the least anxious person I know.

Gary Vaynerchuk
The Entrepreneur’s Journey
2 min readSep 23, 2014


On paper it should be the opposite, given everything I have going on and my enormous aspirations, but I’m not. The reason for this? It’s because I have self-esteem. I get that it sounds weird, but stick with me because I have some good thoughts here.

Nothing you read in this article is going to suddenly give you self-esteem

I am the kind of person who believes that self-esteem is the ultimate drug in society. Self-esteem is giving yourself the audacity to dream big (like buying the NY Jets). What ends up happening when you dream big enough is that the little things end up not mattering anymore. You’re no longer crippled by the idea of little imperfections, and you’re more capable of executing in the face of risk and uncertainty. All of this starts with self-esteem. It’s way way more important than I think a lot of people give it credit, and if you don’t have it, you’re in a lot of trouble.

Now this isn’t the bit where I sit here and go all “rah rah don’t worry be happy” because that’s just not going to affect you. Nothing you read in this article is going to suddenly give you self-esteem, but what I can do is encourage you to be introspective. Take stock and really think about where you are and what you can afford in order to make a change in your life. There are tons of options. It could literally be seeing a professional, but it could be something like establishing an audacious goal and mapping your life backwards from that. It doesn’t have to be realistic, but it does have to be something you can work toward. Another very unique way to build self-esteem is to surround yourself with positive, driven people.

I am all in on self-esteem, and I would say that if you’re self-aware enough to know that you lack it, you really need to take steps and execute toward building it up.

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Gary Vaynerchuk
The Entrepreneur’s Journey

Family first! But after that, businessman. CEO of @vaynermedia. Host of #DailyVee & The #AskGaryVee Show. A dude who loves The Hustle @Winelibrary & the @NYJets