Why The Entrepreneur’s Lawyer?

Rebecca Gray
The Entrepreneur’s Lawyer
2 min readJul 19, 2020

A few years ago, exhausted from taking four cases to trial in one calendar year, I decided to take a break from trial work and return to my roots as a serial entrepreneur.

A friend had an attractive business idea and needed partners, so I joined his team as CEO and General Counsel.

I quickly realized that the first lawyer in any new organization has to have 360° of visibility and prescience. Regardless of prior expertise, you are suddenly on triage duty in every area of law that may be relevant to the fledgling venture.

As I’ve been telling baby lawyers for years, “google is your friend.”

But I found that google really wasn’t my friend on this front. The vast majority of articles by lawyers could be boiled down to “See how complicated this is? You need to hire a lawyer.” Or — even better — “It depends.”

I suppose it shouldn’t have surprised me that lawyers were writing articles designed to convince you to hire them, but that wasn’t what I needed, and I figured I couldn’t possibly be the only person who found this frustrating.

For myself, I needed basic overviews and pointers on when and where to dig deeper. For my business partners, I needed short guides to help them understand specific rules and principles to keep in mind as they built the business. I figured if I needed these things for myself and my partners, other lawyers working with startups probably needed them too.

And so the idea for The Entrepreneur’s Lawyer was born.

Our goal is to become the first stop for every entrepreneur’s lawyer who needs to get up to speed quickly in a new (or rusty) area of law. Over time, we want to build a comprehensive collection of overviews and helpful guides for The Entrepreneur’s Lawyer.

But we had to start somewhere, so here we are.

© 2020 The Entrepreneur’s Lawyer.

