17 Things You Need to Launch an Online Business

Basic Entrepreneur’s Guide

Professor Schwartz
The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap
3 min readOct 13, 2023


The most successful entrepreneurs in the world all know how to do this one thing really well — and that is they all know how to sell products online.

That’s the key to being a successful 21st century entrepreneur.

Therefore, the question you need to ask yourself is:

Do you know how to sell products online?

What is an Online Store?

We all know the statistics:

  • 99% of startups fail
  • 50% of new businesses fail
  • 75% of small businesses never reach their 10 year anniversary

(Source: Small Business Administration, 2021)

The best way to overcome these data points is to make things simple to understand and follow. In other words, the more you over-complicate things, the easier it is to fail.

So let’s do the opposite.

Let’s make launching an online business as simple and easy to execute as possible.

That’s why I created this list for you. This list includes the 17 things you need to do — that will help make launching an online business easier to do:

  • Create a weekly podcast — mine is called “Tuesdays with Schwartz”
  • Launch a YouTube channel — mine is called Leaf Academy
  • Launch a website — this is mine https://leafacademy.org
  • Launch social media channels — I have @theschooldoc at IG and Twitter
  • Create a Canva, Stripe, and Medium account
  • Learn the principles of Graphic Design
  • Develop a product — I have free webinars at Leaf Academy
  • Build a Sales Funnels
  • Develop Lead Magnets
  • Develop a Sales Pitch
  • Write Web copy
  • Write Email Sequences
  • Write, record and edit website videos
  • Write, record and edit YouTube videos
  • Write, record and edit repurpose videos for social media
  • Create 1000 pieces of content for social media channels
  • Write a Media Kit — here is mine 2023 Media Kit

Do You Need Help?

If this is your first time doing any of the 17 things on this list — you might feel overwhelmed. First of all, that’s normal. Of course you feel overwhelmed, this is the first time everything is on your shoulders.

People who work 9–5 jobs “believe” your life is easier because you don’t have a boss telling you what to do, but what they don’t understand is that if no one is telling you what to do — then YOU have to tell yourself what to do.

  • In other words, if you have a question — you have to answer it.
  • If you run into a problem — you have to solve it.
  • If you feel sick today — you still have to go to work.

As an entrepreneur, everything is on your shoulders. You carry the whole burden and the whole responsibility, whereas your 9–5 friends can just roll out of bed, show up to work and leave at the end of the day. They don’t have to worry about their job on weekends or on vacations.

But what if you run into a problem you don’t know how to solve? Or you have a question you need answered?

  • What can you do?
  • Who can you call?

The Young Entrepreneur Program

I’m excited to announce the first 21st century education program that my startup is about to launch in 2024. It’s called the Young Entrepreneur Program and it’s designed to help young entrepreneurs sell products online, so they can start making money.

There’s a ton you need to learn, such as:

  • The Roadmap for Success
  • 21st Century Entrepreneurial Skills
  • 21st Century Leadership
  • 21st Century Team Building
  • 21st Century Sales
  • And much, much more…

If you want to learn more — simply join the waiting list here.

The program isn’t ready to launch today, but everyone that’s on the waiting list will get an alert that will not only give you detailed information about the program, but will also bring a very valuable offer to your inbox. All you have to do is submit your email. We are not collecting names, phone numbers or any other personal information. Just enter your email — so you don’t miss this very valuable alert.

About the Author:

The School Doc is a recognized 21st century skills expert. He is a former teacher, principal and superintendent turned entrepreneur. He has launched two startups, one in 2013 and his second in 2020 called Leaf Academy, which will be the first online school 21st century school in the world.



Professor Schwartz
The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap

Education Thought Leader and Author of "Disrupting Education," the blueprint for building 21st century schools of the future.