7 Alternative Ways to Recycle Glass Waste

How crushed glass waste can be used as well

Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten
The Environment


Picture of bright blue and white glass shards.
Crushed glass waste can be used for many different purposes (credit: Portraitor on Pixabay)

Credit: This article is based on the scientific article “Waste Glass in Civil Engineering Applications — A Review” by Danish Kazmi, David J. Williams and Mehdi Serati. (Full citations and link available at the end of the article)

Waste management is becoming more and more important due to limited resources and environmental issues caused by landfills. Landfills cause pollution of soil, water, and even air. Also, a lot of greenhouse gases are emitted by landfills, contributing to climate change. And landfills use up space that could otherwise be used in a more productive way.

One of the materials that ends up on landfills is glass. This is unnecessary, as glass can be recycled completely. The difficulty is often though, that too much glass is disposed of, so that not everything can be recycled. And the glass waste has to pass through several expensive and time-consuming stages, including separation, dirt removal, and cleaning before it can be used to create new glass. Also, glass waste often contains a mixture of colored glass, transparent glass, and other types of waste, so that it becomes unsuitable to use for new glass. That is why it is important to implement alternative methods to reliably, efficiently, and safely recycle glass waste.



Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten
The Environment

Sharing fascinating facts about nature and sustainability; science communication. Also on Xplore Nature YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@xplore-nature