Climate Joy: Not All Is Bad With the Environment

The good news stories that we should celebrate as well

Jerren Gan
The Environment


Photo by Jonathan Sebastiao on Unsplash

In our attempt to spread the word and get more people on board with the fight against climate change, many of us are guilty of spreading only the bad news. And I cannot deny the fact that things are bad. I myself recently wrote the article “We Are In The Midst Of A Climate Emergency” to bring attention to the gravity of the situation. Once carbon sinks, forests are emitting more carbon than they absorb. Ocean temperatures and acidity are rising to never-seen-before levels. Worst of all, we are running out of time and ways to adapt to this situation.

The entire message climate activists hope to share can be summed up in a simple sentence — the reality is grim and we have to do something before it’s too late.

However, in this attempt to bring attention to the situation on the ground, the messaging of climate activists has brought about an unintended consequence — people are becoming climate nihilists. To them, if things are indeed becoming this bad, they feel like nothing can be done; and hence, they strongly believe that all of us should simply give up and stop having any hope that the situation will improve.

Furthermore, research has suggested that hope can play a significant role in public



Jerren Gan
The Environment

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.