Ditch the Meat, Embrace the Green: Why a Plant-Based Diet is the Future

Beyond the Burger (Embracing a Plant-Based Lifestyle)

Anthony C.
The Environment
7 min readSep 2, 2024


I’ll never forget the first time I really seriously thought about going plant-based. It wasn’t a light bulb or epiphany, it was sort of a series of little, quiet moments: maybe the discomfort after watching a documentary on factory farming, or the nagging thought each time I cooked a meat-centered meal. These then accumulated until it became too hard to ignore them. I could stand in my kitchen, stare at a plate of food, and wonder to myself, “Is this really the best choice for my body, my planet, and my conscience?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Going to a plant-based lifestyle wasn’t easy because that meant changing habits developed since childhood. The moment I started making these changes, a whole new world of flavors, textures, and possibilities opened up to me — places I had never imagined. But, most importantly, I found that this was more than just the food — it was a lifestyle in alignment with my values and health, and contributing toward something bigger than myself.

The Catalyst for Change

Like most people, my diet used to be very meat and dairy-based. As a child, dinner was not a proper meal unless chicken, beef, or fish was included. And like most people, I never paid any mind to the origin of my food or the effect it had on my health or the environment.
That all began to change a couple of years ago when I randomly found a documentary that opened my eyes to the realities of animal agriculture.
That documentary changed my life. The images of factory farms, environmental devastation, and the health issues linked to meat consumption were impossible to forget. I started to question my dietary choices and began researching more about plant-based diets. The more I learned, the stronger this realization became: I needed to change, not only for the planet but for myself.

But change is never easy, especially when it involves something as deeply ingrained as your diet. I knew that if I was going to make this shift, it had to be sustainable. It wasn’t about going vegan overnight or giving up all my favorite foods in one fell swoop. Instead, it was about taking small, manageable steps towards a more plant-based lifestyle.

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

My Plant-Based Journey

It all started with simple swaps: I started adding more vegetables to my meals and experimenting with plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, and tofu. Surprisingly satisfying and full of flavor, indeed. My mind was finally blown by the discovery of a delicious lentil stew, which I came to make nearly every week. There is something so rich and earthy about the flavors, and I really didn’t miss the meat.

And the more I cooked plant-based, the more comfortable I got, and the more that I had experimented with ingredients, new recipes, new techniques — I found versatility in foods like quinoa, tempeh, and nutritional yeast. I learned how to make creamy sauces without using any dairy, how to bake without eggs, and to make totally satisfying meals that were completely plant-based. This was a way I could let my creativity flow in the kitchen; I loved trying new things and coming up with new flavors.

But going plant-based was more of a lifestyle shift. It was a shift in thinking and living. I became more serious in seeking my sources for food, mostly looking out for organic and locally sourced produce. Additionally, I became even more conscious about how I disposed of food waste, always finding a way to use the last bit of whatever produce or ingredient I had left.

One of the most significant changes I noticed in switching to a plant-based diet was how much better I felt. I felt so much better physically and mentally. I had more energy, my digestion improved, and I felt a sense of lightness that I hadn’t experienced before. I also felt a kind of better line with my values, knowing my dietary choices were toward a more sustainable and compassionate world.

The Problems of Going Plant-Based

Of course, there was not a lack of challenges throughout this journey. One of the largest problems, by far, was dealing with the social side of eating. After all, food is an incredibly central part of our social lives, so negotiating parties, family meals, and eating out when you are plant-based can be difficult.
I had to learn how to assert my choices without feeling that I was imposing them on others and how to find options that worked for me in different settings. Another challenge came from battling the cravings and thoughts associated with all of those comfort foods one is raised upon. There were times that I missed the tastes and textures that I was brought up on and loved — one of my favorite meat-based dishes. However, rather than giving in, I went on the hunt for plant-based alternatives that would work to satisfy those cravings. And with a little creativity, I found that I could replicate most of the taste I was used to without giving up my commitment to plant-based eating.

Why the Plant-Based Lifestyle?

You might therefore wonder, what good reasons exist for adopting a plant-based lifestyle at all. The truth is there are countless reasons — each one compelling in its own right.

Health benefits: A well-planned vegetarian diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is linked to better health. It is associated with lessened risks of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. I have felt more energized, with better digestion and more peace since the transition.

Environmental impact: Plant foods bring about a life-changing effect since animal agriculture is a major player in the release of greenhouse gases, deforestation, and water pollution. A selection of plant-based foods results in a shrinking carbon footprint and serves to protect the planet for future generations.

Animal Welfare: A plant-based lifestyle is an extra dash of compassion for most individuals. Engaging in plant-based eating means supporting a far more humane and ethical food system that does not rely on the exploitation of animals.

Personal development: Going plant-based is also a very huge avenue for personal development. It challenges you to get out of your comfort zone, try new things, and reconsider your beliefs, regardless of how long you have held them. It is a way that you walk the talk and live in truthfully congruent ways.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Tips for Transitioning to a Plant-Based Lifestyle

If you’re wondering about or considering trying the plant-based way of life, below are some tips on how to make your transition easier:

Start Slowly: You don’t need to transition from eating animal-based foods to a plant-based diet overnight. Take baby steps, perhaps adding more plant-based foods to your meals first, before starting to cut down on animal products. By so doing, the transition will be much smoother and less pressurizing.

Experiment in the kitchen: One of the most exciting parts of a plant-based life is discovering new ingredients and recipes. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new foods and ways of cooking. You will perhaps be surprised at how much you may like it in the process. Find Your Favorites: Identify some favorite plant-based dishes and work them into your regular food routine. It’s much easier to make these changes when you know the end result will be a good one.

Stay Informed: The more you read, listen, and learn about the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, the more it tends to motivate you to stay committed. Get some books on the subject, watch documentaries, and follow some plant-based bloggers.

Connect with others: Be sure to surround yourself with supportive people having the same mind. This ranges from joining a plant-based group in your community to an online forum, and even having a mentor.

Photo by Daniel Salcius on Unsplash

Living a Plant-Based Life

When I reflect on this journey, it makes me realize how the choice to adopt a plant-based lifestyle ranks among the most rewarding decisions one can ever make. It’s not only about the food; it is about living healthily, sustainably, and in accordance with what you consider to be important. Living in such a way speaks loudly about who I am and the kind of world I want to live in. If you’re pondering over it, please take the plunge. It seems very daunting at first, but I assure you, it’s worth it. Your journey may be challenging, but the rewards are incomparable, not only for your health but also for the planet. So, go past the burger and lead a plant-based life. You will be shocked to learn how it might change your life.



Anthony C.
The Environment

Passionate about helping others discover their authentic selves and create the lives they deserve.