From Consultancy to Citizenship: 15 Ideas to Start Helping Your Local Environment

Start doing. Start now.

Cátia Matos
The Environment


From all the green job businesses out there, ecological consultancy can be one of the most valuable. Not wanting to be hypocritic and bring to the table any type of green dream and tell you that ecological consultancy is everyone’s cup of tea.

No, because it isn’t.

Ecological consultancy involves strategies from different fronts: the citizen (employer or volunteer), science, education, business/finance and political framework of a country.

Of all the years of consultancy experience, the most challenging issue faced was anything to do with administration. The paperwork and regulations surrounding how we mitigate human impacts in the environment are the ones that occupy most of the time at the beginning of any consultancy company.

You can lose track. You can get involved in more than one battle while struggling to maintain the company main goal at float. To be an ecological consultant is to deliver a job while maintaining the economic side of a business that is challenged by obstacles from other non-ecological businesses.

It is to be part of the group that challenge authority on climate change and environmental threats while holding accountable…



Cátia Matos
The Environment

Movement Ecology Ph.D / Lecturer in Spatial Ecology / Publishing about research, data and life.