Healthy Planet, Healthy You: Unraveling Neoliberalism Through Exercise

Edward Hsieh
The Environment
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2023
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Look around. Our world moves fast. Cars zoom. Screens glow. And we sit, often still. But this stillness, this comfort, has a cost. It hurts our health and our planet. What if there was a way to heal both? What if we could push back against the very forces that tie us to our chairs? Let’s explore this simple, powerful tool: exercise.

The Environmental Impact of Exercise

Our bodies were built to move. Walking, cycling, swimming — these aren’t just workouts. They’re acts of defiance in a world addicted to speed and convenience. Each step, each pedal, each stroke is a vote for the environment.

Consider the gym-goer who drives to run on a treadmill. In the pursuit of health, they burn unnecessary fossil fuels. We can choose better. We can lace up our shoes, open our front doors, and run. We burn calories, not gas. We tread lightly on the Earth. We break personal records in both the gym and in the great outdoors.

Photo by Grégory Costa

The Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is medicine. It strengthens our hearts, sharpens our minds, and lifts our spirits. Done properly, without ego, it keeps us healthy in old age. Regular movement replaces visits to the doctor with visits to the park. We trade pills for push-ups.

This is a rebellion against the neoliberal model that insists “there’s a pill for every ill.” Instead, we find in sweat and effort a way to reclaim our well-being. Neoliberalism fuels a sedentary lifestyle. Hours spent sitting in front of screens lead to health problems. The solution often presented? More pills, more medicine.

But exercise can break this cycle. By making us healthier, it reduces our dependence on medication. Each day we choose to exercise, we take a stand against Big Pharma. We reduce the demand for their products, which too often exact a heavy toll on our environment.

Photo by Pixabay

Neoliberalism and Its Discontents

Neoliberalism prioritizes growth, often at any cost. We are encouraged to buy, to consume, and then to buy again. This constant cycle puts a strain on our planet. It strains our health too.

Exercise provides an alternative. It’s a shift away from consumption, towards activity. With each push-up, each lap, each yoga pose, we push back against the neoliberal norms that tie us down.

Photo by Sem Steenbergen

Actionable Steps for Environmentalists

Every step towards a greener lifestyle counts. Next time, choose to walk to the grocery store instead of driving. Instead of that mass gainer and pre-workout, take organic honey and eat whole foods. Swap the treadmill for a trail in your local park. Be conscious about your workout gear. When it’s time to replace, seek out eco-friendly options. Your choices make a difference.

Our bodies need movement. Our planet needs care. Exercise helps us deliver on both fronts. It’s a powerful tool in our fight against the harm caused by unchecked consumption and environmental negligence. So, stand up. Step out. Start moving. For your health, for our planet. It’s time to redefine what it means to live well in our world.



Edward Hsieh
The Environment

I believe most endeavors can be improved with a "from the ground up" philosophy.