How To Reduce The Impact Of Increasing Energy Prices

For your inspiration: Over 100 easy ways I save money by using my devices more energy efficiently

Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten
The Environment


Picture of triangular street sign in front of blue sky, with an arrow pointing up and another sign below it with the words energy prices
Energy prices have recently increased a lot (credit: Becky Stares on Shutterstock)

With current energy prices reaching all-time highs, our energy bills will be a lot higher than expected. Where I live, it will be at least 25% more. Apart from environmental reasons, this is a good reason to cut down energy usage.

In the last few years, since August 2019, I have been doing a 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge with the goal of making my daily life more environmentally friendly, including cutting down my energy usage. My changes were usually relatively small, but adding them all up makes a big difference. Here are more than 100 things I now do to reduce my energy usage and cut down my expenses, categorized per (electronic) device:

General ideas

Some of my principles apply to all electronic devices. These are:

  1. Switching off unused devices
  2. Using energy efficient devices as indicated by energy label
  3. Pulling out the plug when charging is finished
  4. Switching device off instead of leaving it on standby
  5. Switching off mains when going on holiday



Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten
The Environment

Sharing fascinating facts about nature and sustainability; science communication. Also on Xplore Nature YouTube Channel: