Make Meat an Active Choice Now

The single most sustainable food decision we can make now

Jerren Gan
The Environment


Photo by Dennis Klein on Unsplash

Today, it’s hard to imagine our society going meatless.

Meat consumption has become a ubiquitous aspect of our modern diet, with meat products widely available and affordable.

Sausages make festivals and markets feel alive. Turkeys have become an integral part of Thanksgiving. Nearly every country has a meat item that forms part of their culture (think tacos, hamburgers, and sushi).

And needless to say, for many people, being able to eat and enjoy meat has become an extremely important part of their lifestyle.

However, as many people have been pointing out, our love affair with meat isn’t great for our environment.

The Environmental Impact of Meat Production

In general, meat-based foods have a larger carbon footprint when compared to plant-based foods (with dark chocolate and coffee being the rare outliers).

Industrial meat is bad for the environment. While total global food production accounts for 35% of all global emissions (co2 equivalent), meat-based food production alone takes up more than half of all food production emissions (57% from meat-related industries, 29% from plant-based



Jerren Gan
The Environment

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.