Neutrinovoltaic Energy — A New Form Of Energy Better Than Solar Energy

How Sustainable Energy is shifting hands

Clement Maimo
The Environment
2 min readAug 10, 2022


An Image meant to depict ‘Neutrinovoltaic Energy.’-Image Source: -Article by Clement Maimo
An Image meant to depict ‘Neutrinovoltaic Energy.’-Image Source:

What is Neutrinovoltaic Energy?

The name is derived from the scientists at the Neutrino Energy Group (A Research Institute) in Berlin-Germany.

In simple terms, Neutrinovoltaic energy is a new form of renewable energy that harnesses the power of electrical energy from Neutrinos.

I’m sure you must be wondering, what the hell are Neutrinos?

What are neutrinos in simple terms?

Neutrinos are simply subatomic particles similar to electrons and protons. Still, they differ in that they have incredible penetrating abilities (in fact, neutrinos could be passing through you right now as we speak,) which are extremely difficult to detect and were discovered in the early 20th century.

What are neutrinos made from?

Neutrinos are sub-atomic particles found everywhere, constantly bombarding the earth. Neutrinos are made from the combination of atomic nuclei like in the sun or splitting of atomic nuclei-like nuclear power plants used to generate electricity.

A practical example of where neutrinos come from is fruit like bananas, potatoes, avocadoes, beans, tomatoes, and milk.

Basically, potassium-rich foods capable of undergoing Radioactive beta decay emit lots of neutrinos.

So a simple Banana in your kitchen is producing over a million neutrinos per day, according to Fermilab scientist Dr. Kirsty Duffy.

Fun fact: Your body also contains potassium, so as you go about your day doing regular activities, you’re emitting hundreds of millions of neutrinos.

Is Neutrinovoltaic Energy Better than Solar Panels?

Scientists worldwide are teaming up and carrying out research to harness this raw abundant and readily available form of renewable energy.

I use the term ‘readily available’ because, unlike solar panels that are heavily dependent and efficient during summer months than during winter, neutrino energy is constantly bombarded by the sun’s rays and certain particles on earth, as discussed earlier.

Global innovators are in a rush to create the world’s first-ever Neutrinovoltaic device.

The advantage of Neutrinovoltaic devices is they can operate anywhere at any time irrespective of sunshine or wind and can constantly produce electricity 24 hours a day.

According to Neutrino energy group CEO Holger Thorsten Schubart, decentralized and renewable, and astoundingly convenient neutrino energy generators will be included with smartphones in a decade or less.

The future isn’t dystopian at all, and Neutrino is the new form of sustainable energy.



Clement Maimo
The Environment

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