Rewilding can mitigate climate change

Natural climate solutions aim to mitigate global warming by preserving and enhancing ecosystems’ ability to absorb and store carbon in vegetation, soils, and sediments. Although the value of animals is acknowledged for their additional benefit of protecting ecosystems and landscapes’ species variety, their importance in regulating the carbon cycle should not be understated.

Morena Rodriguez
The Environment


Animals are essential to the overall success of natural climate solutions because they regulate carbon dynamics and maintain ecological equilibrium. Their interactions with plants, soils, and other ecosystem elements contribute to the complex web of carbon exchange and storage, highlighting the importance of considering and appreciating their contribution to mitigating climate change.

Recent scientific research has shed light on the significant impact that protecting wild animals and their ecological functions can have on enhancing natural carbon sequestration and storage processes. It is becoming increasingly evident that innovative approaches are needed, that not only prioritize the conservation of wild animals but also focus on…

