
Date of Composition: 30th July 2023 | 03:22 pm PST.


Trees were created by God and they rarely ever die; they even live longer than ‘humans’! If you check online for the major causes of trees dying, you will see so much about fires, natural disasters, and so on, but not enough is being spoken or written about humans’ ‘deliberate and consistent destruction of God’s creation!’

Trees really are awesome and one of the most unique ‘pieces of God’s Original Creation’. And as far as I am concerned, trees are more important than man in the earth’s ecosystem because a tree can live without a man but in this current world, man cannot live without trees!

Whether it be for building our ‘homes’, for construction & furniture, or their transformation into paper and into other sources of energy, trees are essential and dare I say, crucial to almost every second of our day. Let’s not even talk about our essence of life — trees are the sources of the majority of the foods and fruits that we eat which keep us healthy and trees & natural plants are also the sources of the majority of our medications; medications for illnesses that occur to a large extent when we interfere or tamper with nature in an inappropriate manner, all the way from interfering with the animal ecosystem (breeding animals and eating what we shouldn’t eat) to unrelenting experimentation of ‘any and every part of nature for ‘scientific’ purposes.

There is something that has been simmering in my thoughts network for almost a week now and yesterday I came to an undeniable conclusion. I came to the realization that Trees, Forests, and Nature were all there before humans from inception because this is innately their home!

You see, mankind who is now inhabiting a home that isn’t his has formed a habit of destroying trees and nature, trees especially, in order to satisfy his needs. We cut down trees to create space; we cut down trees to create shelter; we cut down trees to burn and create heat; and now we cut down trees to create new structures and at the end of the day, we demarcate this innately God-owned Earth and soil, acting autonomously and claiming that the Earth and everything on and within it is for man, as well as educating every new soul birthed into this planet as a human that everything going on on Earth is acceptable, and that the Earth is ‘man’s territorial heritage’. Not only that, we take it to the next level by deciding who lives where, who can travel where, and who can’t, etc. We (HUMANS) are just living in BONDAGE and DENIAL as far as I am concerned. We don’t really know what we are doing here so we keep studying God’s creation and trying to make sense of it within the realms of ‘Science’.

Everything can be converted from one form into another, that much is obvious, and as long as there is a will, new bonds are being formed every day, however, everything in ‘matter’ being formed is still within the range, bonds, and original Rules of God’s Energy & Creations. By the way, don’t even get me started on the concept of the earth’s minerals, resources, pollution, & money!

In essence, since humans began inhabiting the Earth, we started creating rules and dominance over the Earth that isn’t ours and was never ours to begin with. Instead of being grateful for what we ‘have’ (took or claimed are better words), but some even go to the extent of ‘KILLING’ others and creating wars. Nobody even talks about the animals displaced daily, the animals used in circuses or for human entertainment or ‘KILLED’ for ‘clothes’ and for ‘meat’; animal rights is a whole big topic on its own.

Let me just put it to you like this; this is my perception, my opinion, my question, and my stance.

If man was genuinely supposed to live on this planet or on Earth, then why can’t he just live independently in one spot like other creatures? If the earth was truly man’s home, he would not need to create a ‘house’ to live. This is where it all starts from. We are not really living; we are just ‘HIDING’ on the Earth. We are hiding in houses, in offices, in buildings, and so on. We are always hiding because THIS IS NOT TRULY OUR HOME.

And since we found ourselves here by accident or whatever, we should stop taking advantage of both the existence and the territory of other animals, the trees and plants, and all of this beautifully created environment just for our own benefit. WE HAVE DONE ENOUGH INTERFERENCE; IT’S TIME TO RESPECT THE REST OF THE EARTH’S NATURE THAT WE HAVE LEFT! You can siphon all of the Earth’s natural resources and natural inhabitants to create all the cars, technology, TVs, houses, processed foods, or whatever you like, but if you cannot live & ‘SURVIVE the way you were born, plainly on the Earth, indefinitely, then I’m sorry, human, but THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME!

Consequently, when you think of and look at things critically, if all of nature can live and dwell symbiotically without man’s existence, then what really is going on?

I’ll just leave you with something you might have discovered or will probably do along the line if you are a retrospective and reflective individual who genuinely cares for innateness and nature and disagrees with most of the wrong in this sphere of the universe:




Dr. Adeboye Oluwajuyitan⚡The Befibrillator
Dr. Adeboye Oluwajuyitan⚡The Befibrillator

Written by Dr. Adeboye Oluwajuyitan⚡The Befibrillator

Poet Therapist, Designer & Health Coach. If you would like me to write a poem for you (therapeutic), email us -

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