The Game of Snakes and Adders

Helpful snake identification tips to avoid

Mike Alexander
The Environment
Published in
5 min readFeb 27, 2021


I grew up in Africa and my wife spent many years in Australia. This frequently leads to heated arguments about the rather unusual subject of venomous snakes.

Africa has its fair share of cobras, mambas, and the like, all of which can give a fatal bite. According to my wife, none of these snakes have a thing on Australian snakes, which, as she tells it, can cause death if you just walk in the same neighborhood.

The Biblical book of Genesis is quite unequivocal about the fact that there will always be animosity between serpents and women, and I have yet to encounter a woman who disproves this prophecy. Well… there were an exotic dancer and a python once, but that is a story for another day.

Differentiating good snakes from the bad ones

Growing up in Africa or Australia, most people had a fairly simplistic way of differentiating between snakes. They divided them into two distinct categories — good snakes and bad snakes. Bad snakes were live snakes and good snakes were dead ones.

Behind every front door, stood a semi-retired nine iron that was kept for the sole purpose of converting bad snakes into good ones.



Mike Alexander
The Environment

France based freelance writer with a passion for the environment and quirky cultural history.