The Most Googled Question About Sustainability

Angela Ugo
The Environment
Published in
4 min readOct 26, 2022
Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

This morning, I came across a study by a group of experts. The experts studied the questions people ask on google about the concept of sustainability. According to their findings, the question “what is sustainability” topped the list of the most googled question on sustainability, and the next was “why is sustainability important.”

I had mixed feelings after reading the findings. On the one hand, it showed the level of curiosity of people around the concept of sustainability and why they need to embrace sustainable living. On the other hand, it also shows the dearth of information and a knowledge gap on sustainability and why it is important.

I know there are many explanations of what sustainability is and is not, but I would like to contribute my voice to the body of knowledge on this issue.

The concept of sustainability can be complex, and at the same time, it can be simple. Its complexities can be attributed to its multidisciplinary nature, multifaceted approaches, and concerns. From a simpler perspective, it is about treating people and the planet with respect

Sustainability is broad, and having an accurate definition can depend on what aspect you are looking at, the industry you work in, the kind of lifestyle you adopt, and, generally, how you view life. The bottom line is that sustainability is about the sustained development of people, businesses, societies, and the world at large. The concept of sustainability is about creating an environment where everyone is accountable and responsible for one another, the planet, and the development of society

Historically, all the major environmental disasters that have led to the loss of lives and the destruction of the natural environment, from the dust storm in 1935, the great smog in 1952, Bhopal in 1984, Chernobyl in 1968, and many others, are characterized by irresponsible actions by people and companies. If things had been done differently, the outcome of these disasters would have been different. History is a repository of lessons.

When we talk about sustainability, it goes beyond caring for the environment; it is equally about caring for ourselves as humans because any environmental disasters will affect us. When employees are made to overwork or work in harsh conditions and toxic environments, their productivity is low, which can translate to low societal development

To the definition, there have been many attempts to define sustainability, and I am going to state a few.

In the charter for the UCLA Sustainability Committee, sustainability is defined as: “the integration of environmental health, social equity, and economic vitality to create thriving, healthy, diverse, and resilient communities for this generation and generations to come.

According to US EPA, sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends directly or indirectly on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.

Rosenbaum, 1993 defined sustainability as using methods, systems, and materials that won’t deplete resources or harm natural cycles.

Vieira, 1993, defines it as a concept and attitude in development that looks at a site’s natural, land, water, and energy resources as integral aspects of the development.

I currently work in the construction industry, and sustainability would be a process of reducing resource consumption and environmental impacts while building an economically stable society.

The most common and widely accepted definition was by the UN Brundtland Commission Report in 1987, which defined sustainability as the development that meets the present generation’s needs without compromising the future generation’s ability to meet their own needs.

In 2016, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable development goals as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure the peace and prosperity of all people by 2030. The goals and associated targets are the pathways and processes to achieve sustainability.

Sustainability is a holistic approach that considers environmental, social, and economic dimensions, acknowledging that all must be considered together to find lasting prosperity.

In conclusion, sustainability is not just a buzzword or a feel-good term. It is a collective strive for a better future. It is all about righting wrongs and making the world better.

For anyone still curious, confused, or overwhelmed about the concept of sustainability, please keep asking questions, for it is in asking that we get the knowledge that can be applied to create a solution.



Angela Ugo
The Environment

An environmental sustainability specialist telling stories inspired by nature for nature conservation.