You Are Nature

Stop kidding yourself that you are anything else

Mike Alexander
The Environment
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2021


Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

When I first began to realize that Medium wasn’t going to pay for my Ferrari or even a monthly tank of gas for my beaten-up old van, I decided to focus purely on nature writing.

My motivation was simple, I like writing about nature, and such articles are notoriously hard to sell. Magazines do occasionally take environmental pieces from me, but those sales are as rare as chicken's teeth.

With Medium as a channel to write on the subject I am most passionate about, almost at will, I then suffered my next disappointment; nobody cares. I could write about sex, writing, or a dozen ways to get rich while peeling an orange and garner more attention.

In hind sight, this should not have come as such a surprise. We humans have a gargantuan capacity to turn our eyes from the things we don’t want to see.

This is how gassing Jews, the slave trade, apartheid, and so many other injustices have been able to exist in a so-called civilized society.

With the obvious collapse of ecosystems, the climate crisis, and the massive habitat destruction that we are witnessing, one might have thought that the subject of nature was a little closer to home than the Holocausts of history.



Mike Alexander
The Environment

France based freelance writer with a passion for the environment and quirky cultural history.