My 2017 book list

Giacomo Bagarella
The Envoy
Published in
1 min readDec 28, 2018

I set off to read at least 30 books in 2017, but it turns out I managed to get to 40.

The ones I found most interesting and significant (in no particular order):

  • Eric Schlosser, Command and Control
  • Robert Gordon, The Rise and Fall of American Growth
  • Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature
  • Elizabeth Kolbert, The Sixth Extinction

Honorable mentions:

  • James Scott, Seeing Like a State
  • Arlie Russell Hochschild, Strangers in Their Own Land

A fun read that explores the evolutionary history, biology, and behavior of cephalopods (some of my favorite animals):

Best in fiction:

  • China Mieville, The City & the City

The most well-written:

  • Matthew Desmond, Evicted

Finally, a book that is completely useless and that you shouldn’t read/buy if you’re thinking about it:

  • Scott Galloway, The Four

2018: new year, new bookshelf, new targets!



Giacomo Bagarella
The Envoy

Passionate about policy, technology, and international affairs. Harvard, LSE, and LKY School of Public Policy grad. All views my own.