Return of the Blob (with examples)

Blob Book Covers — Thoughts on a Popular Book Trend

Penny Zang


Photo by Vackground on Unsplash

Ever notice how so many book covers start to look the same? It isn’t just you.

Trends exist in every facet of popular culture from fashion and music to film and social media. Book publishing is no different.

R.E Hawley recently wrote about one particular new trend, “Behold, the Book Blob” in Print and now I can’t stop thinking about it.

Hawley describes it as “a canvas filled with amorphous daubs of warm, bright color, intersecting with one another to form different hues in the overlapping spaces. There’s no discernible pattern, but the blobs still feel intentionally placed…”

Notice the following recent blobby book covers:

Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson
Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Friends and Strangers by J. Courtney Sullivan



Penny Zang

English professor in SC and book nerd. Debut novel: Doll Parts, forthcoming from Sourcebooks, 2025.