A 3 Minutes Guide to Elevate Your Business With a Website

How to make the best out of your company’s site, and bring revenue to your business.

Kenny Rivaldi
The Equator
3 min readAug 7, 2022


Picture by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Growing your own business isn’t an easy task, and you might have tried many ideas to promote it, including, building your own company website.

But still, something doesn’t feel right, and your website doesn’t get a lot of attraction or contribution to the business.

After being in the website industry for more than two years, here are some tips that I learned and might help you make your company website stand out.

#1. Getting to know your target audience.

The first, and one of the most important things is figuring out who you are pitching for. Is your business for teenage girls? Or male adults between 30–40 years old? It’s your call.

When it comes to building a website, there is no design that fits all audiences, and that’s okay. Because, what you want to do is to build a website that fit your target audience.

Many retirement insurance companies are using a simpler design, and a bigger font on their websites, why? Because their target audience is most likely to be an older person.

Take a look at this Singapore investment site. A bigger font, a simpler design.

Singapore EDB website

A flashy website would be cool, but if it doesn’t fit with your target audience, it will backfire.

#2. Minimalist design is always a safe bet

Apple is a great example of how a minimalist website could stand out among others.

One of the reasons why minimalist website designs always stand out is because they enhance a great user experience.

With a very limited time span, it’s quite hard for the users to read a lot of content within your site. This is where strategic writing comes in handy.

Apple Website

In fact, many of my clients love the minimalist design so much, that it becomes our agency's brand identity.

My Own Website

#3. User experience above beautiful design

It is always nice when the user experience and beautiful design could work together.

But when you’re in a position where you have to choose between one of them, always choose the user experience.

The objective of building a website isn’t to show a great design but to bridge your business and your customers.

Create a clear user experience, and ask your colleagues to rate how it is to be used.

#4. Put your thoughts on mobile design

According to the statistic, about 58% of users access the website through their smartphones.

This is why putting your thoughts on a mobile design becoming far more important than before.

Many website designers often forget about this step. Creating a responsive mobile design, that is easy to use could elevate your business.

Nike Website

Final words

Paying attention to the smallest things about your target audience could definitely pay out in the end.

Imagine yourself as a potential customer wandering around within your company's website, what feature do you want to see? and how easy it is to navigate around?

And in the end, remember that it’s not a race to create a beautiful website, it’s about functionality.

Hi, I’m Kenny, and I’m helping many companies connect their businesses with their customers through websites. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.

For inquiries :
Whatsapp: +62 896 120 555 03
E-mail: hello@kennyrivaldi.com
Website: kennyrivaldi.com

