Calling Indonesian Writers to Unite

A new Indonesian publication to be a home for your writings.

Kenny Rivaldi
The Equator
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2021


I have been on Medium for a while now, and I have seen and met lots of talented Indonesian writers within this platform, some of them had been pitched into one of the biggest publications, and I couldn’t be prouder to see that.

Unfortunately, the struggle for Indonesian writers to be able to make a full-time living income from writing — Especially from Medium — is still quite a huge challenge, like anyone else I have been struggling in my first months of this platform.

It would be beneficial for Indonesian writers to have an exclusive community that could be a home for their writings, a supportive environment, while they’re on their way climbing to the top within this platform.

Now I have seen great Indonesian publications like Komunitas Blogger M who had been doing a great job to accommodate our fellow Indonesian writers. Since we have to be able to adapt to the global changes, I’m making this publication so every Indonesian writer could reach a much wider audience.

This publication focused on English content only to make sure your writing could be chosen by the Medium curators. In the meantime, I would ask for your help to ask any other Indonesian writer within this platform to build this community together.

If you are interested in joining this community, please leave a response below, and I will add you as a writer as soon as possible.

Once you have been added as a writer, you can submit your article, please see this instruction.

Thank you for your help to build this community.

