The Best Solution Starts with a Good Communication

How communication solves many problems.

Ade Iftahaq
The Equator
2 min readFeb 27, 2021


Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Problem-solving is definitely the goal of any organizations in the world. It doesn’t matter if you are a tiny organization, team, or even multi-national company. The very reason you exist must be solving problems.

However, there are many cases when a simple problem becomes an unsolved bigger problem just because it is not well communicated through all team members.

Can you imagine how stressful it is for a boyfriend when he asks what happened to his girlfriend, and she said “no problem”? What if that boyfriend chooses not to take any action? I am sure that must be lead to a bigger problem.

Hmm… Let’s take a more practical case…

One clothing manufacturing company produces T-shirts, shirts, hats, etc., in several months, their demands have been crashing exponentially.

The marketing department insists that their product's initial costs are too high so that they found it hard to sell.

Production department arguing that they cannot make cheaper products if the order quantity is still low. Because the production process is less efficient.

RnD department still pushes more new products, with the best material and design, affecting the initial price of their products.

If we look at that problem, there is endless looping. Marketing wants a lower price, while Production needs higher order. There is no way out except compromising on something. Either lowering the price by material and design or making bold speculation by manufacturing in a large batch.

The bottom line of those options is “Communication.” No one blames another. Look at the big picture, focus on the problem, then communicate to take the best solution.

Well, I have also experienced it.

Starting up a new manufacturing factory is a very complex and challenging job since building a system and doing day-to-day works need a lot of effort.

Many people have no experience in handling manufacturing company, and on the other hand, our company is a brand new factory with a unique characteristic. During that crucial moment, I almost lost my team’s trust just because of my communication.

Fortunately, my team members were good people. They told me what they were concerned about. We also conducted a lot of One on One sessions to make everything clear.

Sometimes, we need to talk to find the best solution to any problem.

