Life | Self Improvement

If You Want to Achieve True Happiness, Stop Trying to Be Happy

The truth about happiness I wish I had known from a long time ago.

Annisa RT
The Equator
Published in
6 min readApr 26, 2021


Photo by Carlos on Unsplash

What is happiness for you? What makes you happy?

I used to think a wonderful movie, an excellent book, a walk-in nature or a lovely meal could bring me happiness. But it turns out, spoiler alert: it couldn’t.

Since Aristotle’s time, happiness has been thought to consist of at least two aspects: hedonia (pleasure) and eudaimonia (personal fulfillment).

Now the problem with many of us today is that we are mostly searching for mere “pleasure” when we seek happiness.

Pleasure is the feeling of enjoyment, being in the state of “good mood”, and the positive experience of our senses.

I’ve seen many people mistook happiness for pleasure (hedonia) just like I did. You probably wonder: If it gives a positive experience to our senses, doesn’t that mean it could make us “happy”?

Well, yes, you are right. Pleasure can make us happy — for a moment. But that’s not true happiness.

Happiness is not only about pleasure



Annisa RT
The Equator

Writer. A curious soul striving for personal growth. Writes on Mental Health, Self, Psychology, Writing & Marketing | More insight: