Introducing ‘The Equator Stories’

Meet the faces behind your favorite articles.

Kenny Rivaldi
The Equator
2 min readSep 16, 2021


Picture by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Hello, how are you doing? I hope you’re doing well as always.

This morning, I have added new writers to this publication, and it is flattering to see lots of enthusiasm from people that wanted to be a part of this community.

Over here, in The Equator, we value your stories, every word that you shared, whether you just wanted to express your feelings, or even to help other people to overcome their everyday life challenges.

Thank you for sharing your stories with us.

We believe that everyone has their own unique stories to tell, and we would love to hear more about you, about your unique, funny, or even heartbreaking experiences that worth to be shared.

I have made a new section for all the writers who want to introduce themselves, and everyone is welcome to be part of this.

How to be a part of this?

  • Write a story about yourself, it could be about anything, your experiences, your jobs, or even your cats.
  • On the title, kindly introduce your name with this format:
    The Equator Stories — [your name].
  • We would love to see the faces behind these great articles, freely to pick your favorite picture.
  • Don’t forget to add the tag:


This is important, so I could put your article in the right section.

With your permission, every post would be featured on our Instagram, because we are that proud to have you on the team.

We couldn’t wait to read great things about you!

