Stripe Is Plotting Expansion To Indonesia, Which Means You Can Get Paid From Medium

What can you do to prepare yourself when the time has come?

Kenny Rivaldi
The Equator
3 min readApr 1, 2021


Picture by Jp Valerie on Unsplash

What was your goal when the first time joining Medium? Sharing your ideas? hopefully making some money?

How about both of them?

The struggle is real, when I joined Medium Partner Program, I had to do it creatively — Bypassing the system. Unfortunately, the old ways are not working anymore, and filling EIN and a thousand other things is such a burden.

The good news is, Stripe — Which is the only way of how Medium can pay you — is planning to make an expansion to Indonesia.

The company is also expanding globally, with plans to start offering its services in countries such as Brazil, India, and Indonesia this year.

“The pandemic taught us many things about society, including how much can be achieved — and paid for — online,” Stripe chief financial officer, Dhivya Suryadevara, said in a statement.

It means, you can officially apply for Medium Partner Program and earn some money within this platform.

What can you do?

Although it is still unsure when exactly Stripe will be available here, the best thing that we can do is preparing ourselves.

I believe that when Stripe is available over here, Medium users will boost significantly. The more writers, the more competitive it will be. It’s time to invest within yourself by Improving your writing and growing your audiences.

The strategy that helped me boost my audiences

It should be highlighted that there are no definitive strategies that can guarantee your success in this platform. But that doesn’t mean not having a plan is a good idea.

Having a strategy is a pretty safe bet. So here are my takeaways to boost your Medium audiences. I know how important your time is, so I’m going to make it short.

1. Write English content

This is the first crucial step when you are writing in English, you have much better odds to be discovered by your potential readers. This is why this publication solely accepting English content.

2. Aim for good quality content

Good quality content increased your chance to be curated on Medium, which means your content will be distributed to wider audiences. Learn more about curation over here.

I have several articles that had been curated by Medium, and most of them earning more money than the rest of the articles — That hadn’t been curated.

Screenshot by the author

The best part is, good quality content will generate money over time. Which you can use as your passive income.

3. Interact with other writers

How can you expect people to read your articles, when you don’t even read them? Give them claps, respond to their articles, and they will do the same, this is a very supportive community.

Fun fact: You can clap one article until it reached 50, so don’t be stingy to give them more claps.

4. Publish through publications

There are tons of good publications on Medium, and they have thousands of followers. The more followers they have, the more likely your article viewed by bigger audiences.

Each publication has different rules, so make sure you read them.

My formula seemed to work just fine for me, but it does not mean you have to apply the same blueprint. Create your own, or find the better ones.

I’m open to any questions and suggestions, reach me if you have them.

