The Equator Stories — Yanti Sastrawan

yanti sastrawan
The Equator
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2021
Image by Author

I wear my name without any shame
for it bears the traits and the weights
of my roots at the cross of the equator —
a familiar land somewhat proud yet spoilt.

there are a handful of places to call home
still in each I am more of a foreigner than a local to.
there are stories buried in each house that took me
where the roots starve while friendships thrive.

I am fond of long commutes. merged
timezones remind me how short the days are.
overthinking burns me and it’s one I have yet
to learn quicker to not slip into its sins.

though my eyes seem wearier by the year
and we are constantly urged to be perpetually
present, I have yet to learn the lessons and the
wisdom that were imprinted in my first steps.

I hold on to things that are hard to change
mostly to remind me, to keep myself sane.
yet in the moments I do not want to leave,
I recall the gratitude that comes with grief.

if you’d like to read more of my poems, feel free to visit my Instagram @sastrawan.yanti.



yanti sastrawan
The Equator

local foreigner ∙ curious in media research by day ∙ writes poems later during the day |