We’ve moved: Blog.zsa.io

Erez Zukerman
The Ergo
Published in
1 min readSep 15, 2019
Check out our new blog! :)

First things first: You can get all product updates on the ErgoDox EZ, the Planck EZ, and all of our other projects at blog.zsa.io — we won’t be writing any further posts on Medium.

But why?

At the end of the day, I feel that the Web is at its best and healthiest when it’s… a web. Meaning, a decentralized system of sites, linked together.

Medium is lovely for what it does. But when we write something on Medium, it’s a “Medium post”. It is at the whim of Medium’s design and interaction metrics (claps, follows, and so on).

With tools like Gatsby and Netlify, it is now simpler than ever to own your own content. This is the model that originally made the Web so good. Let’s keep it alive! If you write online, go ahead and start your own blog, on your own domain.

Thank you for reading, and you can always reach me at contact@ergodox-ez.com.

All the best,
Erez Zukerman,
ZSA Technology Labs Inc.

