In Brief

ESG fund flows set record, and it’s only July

An estimated $3.2 billion in July flows brings the YTD total to $24.1 billion

Jon Hale
The ESG Advisor


Sustainable funds available to U.S. investors brought in an estimated $3.2 billion in flows during July. That brings the year-to-date total flows to $24.1 billion, which surpasses the calendar-year record of $21.4 billion set in 2019. Last year’s record flows were nearly 4 times greater than in any previous calendar year.

Monthly ESG fund flows have topped $3 billion in five out of seven months this year. Prior to 2020, monthly ESG fund flows reached $3 billion only one time — in December 2019.

The chart below shows monthly flows through June 2020:

July 2020 estimated flows NOT included in the above chart.

Ten sustainable funds garnered more than $100 million during July:

Full report on Q3 ESG fund flows coming in October.

Follow me on Twitter: @Jon_F_Hale



Jon Hale
The ESG Advisor

Global Head, Sustainable Investing Research, Morningstar. Views expressed here may not reflect those of Morningstar Research Services LLC. or its affilliates.