Does My Fear for Death Exist? — Fear for Death Is My Psyche

I have to live with it. Or do I have to do something about it?

Agnes Laurens
The Essayist
Published in
6 min readAug 23, 2021


The photo is taken by the author on her holiday in Austria. Up in the mountains, I am not afraid.

With the pandemic still going on, Germany would be the best option to go on holiday. Germany is also one of my ultimate countries to go on holidays. The decision I made: I booked two holiday destinations in Germany. I booked holiday homes in the Eiffel, Germany. In the mountain, I could walk there. The mountains here are not high enough as my husband wants. Also, I could walk through small villages to see their beauty. I love that. I was beyond excited to go on holiday.

I am excited. Yes, I was. There got a bumper.

At the beginning of July, I got a message that my first holiday destination. It got cancelled because of the floods in Germany. In the first place, I thought this holiday home wouldn’t be affected. There was damage. The damage was there too. The owners of the holiday home have informed all tenants that they could not come.

I was sad. I am devastated. Still, I understood the situation. I followed the news every day, in The Netherland as well as in Germany. Somehow, I felt what they felt.

What now? I had to sink in the news. ‘It is not bad,’ I told myself. There are lots of holiday homes we can rent.



Agnes Laurens
The Essayist

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters.