Ego Is The New Humanity and Taking Over Personal Space. Is It?

What do you think when people talk badly about each other?

Agnes Laurens
The Essayist
Published in
6 min readAug 7, 2021


Photo by Abbat from Pexels

I stepped onto the second train — with my oldest descendant — to pick up her two youngest siblings. We had to transfer the train to Utrecht, The Netherlands, to travel to Zwolle. The first train stopped at all train stations. The second train we needed in Zwolle was an intercity — which stopped only at the main cities and big towns. We had a few minutes of transfer time. It was not occupied, on the train.

I heard people communicate a lot with each other. I could be listening to their music — even when they plugged in the headphones.

When I stepped onto the first train, I heard people talking like sh*t about other people. “Have you seen that paper she gave me?” someone, a woman with dark long blond hair and light skin tone, told her fellow conversation partner. I guess they were colleagues. “I have seen it, and full of bullsh*t that makes no sense.”, the other, also a woman, but with curly-short hair — replied firmly. “I don’t know why he hired her, but she can’t do her work accurately. I can do it much thoroughly.”, the first one responded.

My eyes frowned high adequately that I assumed they saw me glaring. Yeah, I looked at them too. Sorry folks, but this is not…



Agnes Laurens
The Essayist

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters.