4 Problematic Trends I See On Body Positive Instagrams

The Establishment
The Establishment
Published in
8 min readMar 11, 2018


By Suzannah Weiss


The people who are hurt the most by body negativity — and therefore need body positivity the most — are weirdly invisible.

Originally published on Everyday Feminism.

AA s an avid reader of women’s sites, I see a new headline literally every day that starts with “These Side-By-Side Photos” or “This Body-Positive Blogger” and has an Instagram post embedded. Heck, I’ve even written a couple of them.

But I also kind of cringe at them.

If it seems to you like all these viral Instagrams look the same, it’s not your imagination. They’re incredibly homogenous.

And if any of them leave you feeling less good about your body, that’s also not just you. Some of them aren’t even all that body-positive, and a lot contain mixed messages.

While I support these people and their efforts to promote body positivity, there’s a lot of room for improvement.

Here are some issues I’ve noticed with body-positive Instagrams — and how we can all do better.

1. Thin, White, Conventionally Attractive Women Are Getting the Most Attention



The Establishment
The Establishment

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