H-A-N-D-S-U-P, New ‘Respect’ Lyrics For Our Times

The Establishment
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2016


What you want

I’m complyin’

What you need

You know I’m complyin’

All I’m askin’

Is for de-escalation

(Just a little bit)

When you pull me over

(Just a little bit)

Hey officer

(Just a little bit)

When you pull me over

(Just a little bit)


I ain’t gonna report nothin’

To the press

I ain’t gonna report nothin’

Cause I ain’t filmin’

All I’m askin’

Is for de-escalation

(Just a little bit)


(Just a little bit)

When you pull me over

(Just a little bit)


(Just a little bit)

I’m ‘bout to lay down, hands in the air

And all I’m askin’, to be fair,

Is you keep that thing holstered



The Establishment

Tara Campbell [www.taracampbell.com] is a D.C.-based writer. With a BA in English and an MA in German, she has a demonstrated aversion to money and power.