How Do I Handle My Thieving 7-Year-Old?

The Establishment
The Establishment
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2017


By Ijeoma Oluo

Welcome back to The Alchemist — Because Advice Columns Don’t Have To Be Useless

Can I have a good life with Asperger’s?

Advice from

The Question (summarized): I’m 26 and I have Asperger’s and no relationships or good job prospects. Am I doomed to a horrible life?

The Bad Advice (summarized): Pray for a better perspective! At least you aren’t homeless! Find a hobby, volunteer!

My Better Advice: I do hope you can find a better perspective, not one based in comparing your situation to the hardship of others, or seeing your autism as a problem to be managed. You have a different brain. A LOT of people do. Your brain is not less than, your brain is not broken. It’s different. Our society NEEDS different brains if we want to take this world in new directions. I’m not trying to say that the difficulties that you are facing are not real. But I want you to understand that the difficulties you are facing are not because there is anything wrong with your brain, but because the world is just now starting to appreciate the differences that make you special.



The Establishment
The Establishment

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